What Was Your First Sufferfest Video?

Total newbie here.

My first Sufferfest video was High Time - December 21, 2023.

Then, the Full Frontal Prep plan (Recharger, Cadence Builds, Tapers, Primers) and Full Frontal. Been thoroughly enjoying the Sufferfest videos ever since. :slight_smile:


My first Sufferfest video was Igniter in November 20. Iā€™d been hearing about Sufferfest from my brother, @robyork , since he started and was intrigued by its humor. Apparently you need to be able to ride faster than a bear can sprint?I rode my first 4dP in Feb 21 and went into the 21 TOS with new numbers. I have very vivid memories of Cobbler.

Actually, no, my memories are a blurred misery. That might have been my first low cadence grind. I was not a fan.


A few months into the pandemic, June of 2020, I convinced my spouse to get me a Wahoo KICKR Snap for my birthday. She was convinced that I would use it a few times and then abandon it, but she had a friend who owns a bike shop and was able to sell her the Snap even in that wild era of supply shock. Because of the Wahoo trial offer, I gave The Sufferfest a try. First workout: G.O A.T. I donā€™t know why I tried that. My only notes for that were ā€œfirst time on app.ā€

I only completed about half of it or less, but the capability seemed great, and the app well done. Two days later I did Full Frontal to give the app better data to go on, then loaded the Fitness Kickstarter plan, and off I went. A year later, I purchased a KICKR v5, and GOAT is still one of my faves!



Jan 2013. Thatā€™s scaryā€¦ before that it was following the green Sufferfest blocks on TrainerRoad.


I randomly discovered GCN on YouTube after my dad gave me his bike (when he could no longer ride it) in 2017 and I started looking for cycling and triathlon tips. Sometime in 2017 or 2018 they began randomly promoting The Sufferfest (prob because of the new app) and had Sir Neal on a few times, including when Dan Lloyd used it to get back into shape to see how much improvement he could make in his 4DP. I had tried Zwift in 2019, but didnā€™t enjoy it on my dumb trainer. The name scared me, and I wasnā€™t a fan (at the time) of real cycling footage to ride along to. So in March 2020 during lockdowns I gave The Sufferfest a shot. And Iā€™ve never left. I was so wrong about how I thought the app worked and how the cycling footage was actually used. It was thousands times better than I expected.


Just looked back through my emails to see what was my first purchase and seems it was the Suffer 10 pack bundle on 13/7/2012. What the SUF was I thinking!? All on the basis of the completely hilarious website.

Pretty sure I rode revolver first - it was the shortest after all. On a pretty basic spin bike.


What was the Individual Version?

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They used to offer a studio licenses for playing for a group.


Same here, but just before the first Tour of Sufferlandria. Did them blind on Trainer Road. HHNF on January 26, 2013


Revolver was my first. Discovered Suf through Strava when they were doing the videos for a bit, and have spent many an (un)happy hour on the turbo since.


I go back to the download days. Revolver was my first Sufferfest video.

Itā€™s still one of my favorite workouts.


Full Frontal 01 DEC 2020, baptism by fire! They said it would be funā€¦


You did FF FIRST? @DameCristy you wild thing you!


Hmmm, I guess technically my FIRST would be from the DVD a buddy loaned me back in the day that had AVDP and HHNF on it, as I recall. Maybe another one, but I donā€™t remember. And I couldnā€™t tell you which video I watched first, though I DO remember I was on rollers in my garage in Bavaria at the time.

For the streaming version, apparently my first week in SUFF I did:

  1. Elements of Style
  2. Getting Away with It
  3. Half Monty
  4. Joyride
  5. Who Dares

Also x2 Abiā€™s and a GCN workout.


You found Rubber Glove? Sufferlandrian archives approves your historical research, Sir!

But has anyone recovered Chrysalis? :thinking:



Another crazy person!


Also started on a Snap. :+1:


I was actually first considering a Snap, as well. I was still using a $20 second-hand 10+ year old dumb trainer. I considered getting power pedals. Then my dad offered to help me buy a new trainer, so I was considering having my dad help buy the Snap while I bought my pedals. But supply chains were terrible and shops were closed. So I ended up deciding to get the Kickr Core instead and not bothering with power pedals. Turns out that was a pretty good idea since I still havenā€™t ridden outside since then, but have ridden around 10k km per year inside. :slight_smile:


You need to start a ā€œwhat was your first trainerā€ thread.


October 2020 wanted something more interesting than the at-home recumbent and had seen the Sufferfest mentioned on the Wahoo pages (I hadā€“and still haveā€“a TICKR). Got a Direto XR and loaded up the ā€œgive SUF a tryā€ 14-day trial, which had Elements of Style, then Joyride, then the Half Monty. Best thing I ever did, even though I only have 7 slow twitch fibers in my entire body.