What's considered "old" to train?

This! Peter Attia on the importance of preserving strength and muscle mass as we age - Peter Attia

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Yesterday, I followed Hammer Climb 1 with A Sunday in, um, Heck.

Today, I’m definitely too old to train. Earth Cycle 1 for me!


@AlexEllermann Hammer Climb is one of the toughest workouts on the platform - definitely cut yourself some slack! You are still in the game and going strong!

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I am 70 .
I couldn’t do nuclear. 9 hammers at 100% , I have only managed once ever.
I need a little more recovery too. So doing focused

You finished it. HC1 is the new 9H.

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I never used to need a ladder to get on the bike though


Definitely not too old! I am 53 and with the help of Systm have returned to competition after a 20 year hiatus. My VO2 max is 54, Garmin says my “fitness age” is 20 years old and I have never felt better.

A couple recommendations:
Do yoga after your ride. Every time. My favorite is Hips and Hamstrings, which ticks the box for all my tight bits.

Recovery can take longer. You may need extra time to recover after a few hard workouts. Rest, sleep, hydrate, eat well. Take the recovery as seriously as you take the workouts.


I’m going to go out a limb here and say that unless you can remember a time before transistor radios (never mind the internet, cell phones or personal computers) , when portable radios used tubes and 45-90V B batteries, you’re not too old. Even if you can remember, you’re probably not too old.


Whew, I just made it under the wire. :wink:

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Remember the quality of those first transistor radios?

Remember when the Walkman cassette player came out, and people thought the users would loose contact with reality?


If you are breathing and upright, you’re not too old!


I do. I loved my little transistor radio. I remember staying up late on weekends as a kid, under my covers, listening to The Shadow, Flash Gordon and other late night radio dramas on AM, with the antenna sticking out of the blankets. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I recall a public safety ad when the Walkman came out of kids walking into light poles and stepping into traffic while wearing them. They were prescient…



:rofl::rofl: took me a moment to realise which side the steering wheel was on

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I recently listened to the midlife cyclist on audible and thought it was entertaining and full of great advice, albeit somewhat technical at times, the main ideas come across fine. I think while the book has a title that attracted me because of my age, it’s a good read for ALL cyclists, I would even recommend as a must read for any cyclist that’s over 35 because middle age isn’t that far off and there is a ton of important health and physical info that younger riders should be aware of.

Very good read and I’ll say that if read together with Joe Friels fast after 50 it’ll raise awareness of things to consider as we age.