There are almost as many flavours of SUF video as there are of ice cream so here is your chance to tell the world (well the 20 or so folks who hang out in the forums at least) which is your favourite SUF vid and which is your favourite flavour of ice cream.
I’ll start:
Suf Vid: ANYTHING but Defender
Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip (yes, I realize this is an old man’s flavour choice but I stand by it GvA darn it!)
Good grief, will you get out of my head?! A few years ago I might have said Chocolate, but it’s now most firmly Mint Chocolate Chip. So does that make me an old man?
SUF Vid: Either Defender, The Model, ISLTA, Cobbler, Who Dares, No Place Like Home, the original Recharger…
Ummm…might I remind you that THIS whole thing was YOUR idea!! Also, you are basically just a younger, alternate universe version of me. You know, the one where I like Defender
Dulce de leche is my favourite icecream!!! Although the best thing Ive ever had in th3 icecream categorybwas salted pistachio gelato in Croatia in 2009.
Favourite ride: tricky, there’s so many to love, Cobbler gets me excited to ride every time or maybe The Model. Definitely not The Trick which ruins me every time.
Favourite ice cream: just like my suffering I like it simple - vanilla for me. Made 3 pints yesterday so will eat a couple of those today to aid recovery. With extra maple syrup of course
There’s truly only one way to make it. Requires a silky smoothness, like, ermm,butter If we ever get another Suf vid, maybe Ice Cream will be it. Could be a combo of Long Scream, Butter, High Time and The Creemee Ride in terms of efforts
LOVE Pistachio ice cream! In fact, the only time I was ever in Germany, that’s exactly what I had. I’m pretty sure that was when we were in St. Goar where we also learned about cuckoo clocks and beer steins at a neat shop called Montag Steins and Clocks.