Will subscription pricing be revised after closing RGT?

As I said (did I?:thinking::face_with_monocle::smile:), marketing might see into it. They know how to estimate and balance these kind of numbers correctly.

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Haha. Indeed you did, Sir. I was just saying I doubt it. I’ve got no sway one way or another over what The Comapny does. If I did, man, there’s a few things I’d do quite a bit differently :crazy_face:

I for one have always thought of you as “other guy”, Manitoba. :wink:

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C’mon Cap’n Sir, it’s just “Other Guy”. I’m a super hero.

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Fixed! :wink:

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Actually, when RGT was ADDED to my ALREADY EXISTING SYSTM account for FREE and my cost per month/year didn’t change, I just accepted it as a gift (even though I never really cared much for RGT.)
So it seems pretty logical to me that I also am not going to complain when it goes away and my subscription remains the same price.
And OH BY THE WAY, they also offer me a year of Zwift AS A GIFT.
They didn’t owe me either one, and neither one is my cup of tea.

It doesn’t seem fair to me that people are griping so loudly about this.
Did any of you who were already on SYSTM complain that RGT was added for FREE?? Did you ask SYSTM to PLEASE INCREASE the subscription fee to offset the added RGT app??

In the words of Al Borland, the assistant on the old sitcom, Home Improvement,
“I don’t think so, Tim!”

Nobody is obligated to “keep them afloat,” that’s obvious. I never suggested anything like that.
What I said was, they are “a company whose product(s) are important to me, and I don’t want them going away!!” and “I pay the bill and hope they can hang through a tough time and come out better in the future.”

If you or any others don’t find SYSTM worth the money, you’re under no obligation to continue with it. Personally, I’m still in, and I’m not familiar with any alternative I like better, so I hope it stays around a LONG TIME! The older I get, the more necessary indoor rides are in my life.


Before Wahoo took on RGT I ran Zwift alongside Systm to do workouts scheduled by my coach/training plan.

When RGT was added I dropped Zwift saving money. RGT lacked other riders but it did what I needed for free so I was happy and saving money.

Now RGT has been dropped my wife and I have received free Zwift codes. My wife only runs on Zwift so it is free for her anyway and I’ve stacked both codes on my Zwift account.

In all wahoo have saved me a decent amount of money and Zwift is now free for me until 2025.

Been a Sufferlandrian since 2013, don’t intend leaving anytime soon


There is a zero percent chance the price goes down. One a company jacks the price, it NEVER goes down. Also, Wahoo was very close to losing it all not long ago. They are going to keep the $20/mo and revise the app, plans, etc

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About the subscription, I’ve been a Sufferfest subscriber annually before SYSTM and was absorbed with the wahoo takeover. I was coincidentally also a RGT founder tester. So I have lost both the nation and the simulation of my choice, and I find myself with a renewal date of mid November and offered a 3 month zwift sub for the RGT closure. So now I have the dilemma; renew? walk away from my beloved Sufferlandria? Take a break from the Red White and Black while I try some zwifting? I bear no allegiance to the wahooligan mentality but I have always been using a kickr for indoor training. I might become a multiple personality candidate before this is resolved.


Here’s something we tend to forget, WE HAVE OPTIONS. There are places where this is definitely not true and I lived for five years about 30 miles from one of them and fifteen months in another. Yes, losing RGT is a hard pill to swallow, but it was dying. Same with what Wahoo is doing with The Sufferfest. We should be amazed that Wahoo offered us the ability to look at the competition for what is basically free.


So very same. Im on annual through Feb, and will probably give z**** a try, but am also sampling some other options this winter. Can’t justify two big subscriptions.



Whatever it is you are drinking, please share …

I have never seen something like what you are asking.

If they can’t allow for a workout, Open 120 to be free, doubt it that pricing will go down.

Never liked Wahoo, never will!