Your Positive Self-Talk

Interesting. For me, any benefit from swearing would be like what I get from caffeine. Since I drink lots of coffee, I’m inured to caffeine’s ergogenic effect.


‘Neutral’ language - now that would not be Sufferlandrian! Thanks for the link.

When I was a tad younger and fighting karate competitively my Sensei (6th dan) and me (1st dan at that stage) used to do early morning weight sessions together. Prior to max deadlifts and squats we’d give each other neck-jarring slaps across the face. While initially I was reluctant to slap (really a flat-hand whack) my esteemed Sensei too hard I learnt to slap him harder as his response would be to slap me harder until I understood how hard to slap him! Our lifts were impressive.

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That sounds really harsh Sir Craig.
I hope you didn’t get each other bruised on the face from all the slapping? #evenmorethanmore

To me, it’s like a slap bet but in this instance, you know you are going to get it right there and then not at some arbitrary place and time.

It was Sir Darren. Never any bruising and I think that was because we used the full flat of our hand and it was controlled. Hard but controlled.

Yep, like a slap bet although you got it before a win! I never failed a lift after a slap.

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You guys are really deserving the Harsh Red Whine :stuck_out_tongue: Here you go, indulge!

I had a sigh of relief as there weren’t any bruises. But I could be wrong, maybe there was a red palm patch on the face?

I remember those few episodes with the slap bet between Marshal and Barney in the HIMYM series :rofl:

Thank you - 2007 is definitely one of the harsher drops :wine_glass: :hot_face:

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