Day 4 today and after a pretty mind aching day at work I decided to chill and do Breathing More Deeply!!
Lee, I did the same before my cool down yoga post 2014 TOS re-do stage. Go man Go Yoga
I’ve decided that I’m going to breath every day this month. So, OK, I’m in.
[edit: Ooo, I do actually have Hip Openers I in my plan tomorrow. Go YOG!]
Day 5 was Hips & Hamstrings, definitely found some more tight spots!!
Busy day yesterday so I settled for Breathing More Deeply before bed.
Hamstrings and Calf Flexibility after today’s brick session …
You can do it!! It’s amazing how much better one feels after doing consistent yoga. I’ve done a session every day since January 1st. My lower back was really bothering me prior to starting. After about 2 months, I really started to notice improvement. Now, I have virtually no pain! I did Mobilize and Activate I last night. I’m off to do Hips and Hamstrings tonight as my hammy’s are still like bridge cords, they are tight!! I do that one and Hamstring and Calf Flexibility at least once a week to help. I still have a long way to go to be flexible, but definitely improving!
Forgot to post yesterday. Still on track though, did Loosen Neck And Shoulders tonight for day 7! Had to do it with the fan right on me as it’s so blooming hot!!
Back to basics for me with Super Easy Stretch Routine I this evening.
Hola, amigos.
Been a while since I’ve rapped with you, but I haven’t fallen off the SUF yoga map. Just been busy with work starting back up and haven’t been able to get to the forum much. I have, however, been able to get to the yoga mat for a few minutes a day, and it’s been great.
Keep up the great work with the stretching, breathing, and just becoming that rarest of breed, the well-rounded Sufferlandrian.
Day 8 complete! Hip Openers II today, I actually prefer part I for my hips but wanted to get the quad stretch in today.
Lower back is still sore which is annoying. Aiming to run tomorrow so hopefully that doesn’t make it to tight!!
IronMan VR18 this morning then Recovery Booster for day 8
Improving Posture I today, back is still stiff but nowhere near as sore today. Energy levels have also been really low the past week or so. Initially I put it down to giving blood last Friday but that normally only knocks me for a few days. Maybe I’m getting older and it wipes me out for longer!!
Either way, hopefully the back is easing and my energy will start picking up so I can kick the training up a notch again!
Guided Meditation II today, really needed to just chill and that I did!! Apparently full on with snoring
CS I this evening. Boat pose is becoming, dare I say it, easy?
That sounds like good progress!!
Day 11 of All Days Of August, Taking the Soreness Out Of Suffering. One thing that can aggregate my back is my tight lats so must add this one to my more regular selection!!
Aggregate or aggravate?
Squeezed in More Breathing to Calm Down after a busy day. Felt worth it
Damn fat fingers and auto correct!!
All Days of August Day 12, back to the old favourite Hip Openers I.
Planning do do a (very) Mini Triathlon tomorrow so needed a good stretch out after doing my Chores at lunch!! Man they were tough in this heat!!