More comfy in the drops thanks to yoga?

Just a quick thank you really - As well as traditional turbo Suffering I have for the first time in my life of 60+ years being doing Suff Yoga regularly since Christmas. 1-3 hours a week mostly Hip opening, hams, spine flexibility, balance and activation sessions and today when doing Open 30 (lovely film) I could do the whole thing in the drops WITHOUT any “soft tissue” discomfort - also a first. So with my new found Watts and a more aero position I should be flying - or least cycling a bit faster this spring :smiley:


Good to know. I’ve determined to try to be better about incorporating the yoga sessions and not skipping them. Funny how I can find time for Team Scream, but am just too busy for the 15-20 minute yoga session.



Perhaps we need @abicarver to create a few Team Scream type yoga vids where she gets on the race radio and yells instructions at us. HALF MONKEY!!! HALF MONKEY!!! HALF MONKEY!!! YOU"RE ALMOST THERE!!!


@Glen.Coutts I’m having a hard time wrapping my brain around Abi yelling at all. “You have completed the Nine Hammers. Now you can move back into your day.”

Great, I didn’t realize @abicarver was on here, and now I’ve just confessed that I sometimes skip her sessions. I’M SORRY ABI!

:sob: :sob: :sob:


It’s a nice restive habit - easy to fit in for me - it’s got to the point where missing a day feels a bit naughty! :grimacing:


Yes I agree. The more of the SUF Yoga I do, the better my SUF cycling workouts feel. Definitely a huge addition to the Sufferfest.


This is wonderful to hear! What you’re really saying is that consistent yoga makes you fly! :heart_eyes:


They say that the first step to positive behaviour change is awareness so it’s plain sailing from here!


You can do it! Just 3 more balancing half monkey spider planks! YOU’RE ALMOST THERE!! YOU’VE GOT THIS!!!


See @Glen.Coutts? @abicarver yelled at me. I’m in so much trouble.



Nope, sorry @abicarver . Still not buying the yelling voice. :joy:


That’s ok. You can make it up to me! :wink:


I think I need to work on that!


I’m delighted to hear that you’re experiencing noticeable improvements in your performance :boom:


Access to yoga (and strength training which I haven’t used as gyms have stayed open where I live) was one of the things that made me choose sufferfest over other turbo apps. Well worth it!


+2 here (myself and my wife - so big thank you from her, too). We’re enjoying your 30-day yoga challenges, too. And I can fully confirm what guys said above, more comfort on drops thanks to those core sessions.

Thank you!


Where do you find these? The last ones I see in the Challenges tab are from 2019/20. What am I missing?

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Actually, you miss nothing - I have those “old” challenges saved as PDF’s - so just printing it out and doing… And I’d love to see new ones, of course, too.

Same here, i noticed huge differences thanks to yoga sessions ; and not only when it comes to riding in the drops, but the TT position is getting easier too: more watts, more speed! Even standing up on those pedals now spontaneously comes with relaxed shoulders and elbows: i can now stand up pushing big watts for a longer time.

And the best thing is probably that these improvements are not detrimental to a generaly straighter posture in everyday life but tends to complement it.

My fav videos : hips and pelvis stability & improving posture I

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Would you care sharing them via a link of some sorts?
I did the same as you for the January challenge, but since I’m a new subscriber to the yoga15 site, I’m missing out on all the old stuff.