EatMyRide integration in Wahoo?

Im using the EatMyRide app to plan my food. It has a feature to send flood plans to the headunit but Wahoo isn’t compatible. Any idea when this would come available?

Same goes for their live glycogen burn data field that is super valuable during races and training.

At the moment it’s a reason for me to use a GARMIN since that has the data field, alerts and mealplan option.


@Jasperverkuijl Wahoo has Supersapiens integration to the extent that is helpful to you. For calorie tracking you probably need to use a 3rd party app like Garmin Connect or Training Peaks.

It’s not about supersapiens, nor blood clucose concentration, nor calorie tracking. (Calorie tracking is only a part of the EatMyRide app)

Eat my ride calculates glycogen burn rates and live glycogen depletion using power data.

So I would like to use the live data as I can on my GARMIN.

Any idea when this feature is coming @wahoo ?


I also love using the EatMyRide app, but now need to memorize my food plan. But most importantly I would love the live data field to show glycogen on my Bolt.
Currently doubting about ditching my beloved Bolt with a Garmin 840…
@Jasperverkuijl love your video’s mate!

Hi All, I too use both eatmyride and wahoo computer.
Totally agree we need integration. Would be so helpful!!!
To be given a quick notification while competing, long enduro events of intake rather than the memorising and clock checking… would be a game changer for me.
Please work on providing this feature to align with the completion product/ devices. Truly would make extremely positive impact.

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I think this hits a general advantage of Garmin that is also at times something that can cause Garmin to be flaky…3rd party software. I use a Roam now on my main bike but still have a 130 on the mtb and have used a 500 series in the past. The ability to use additional apps loaded in, custom fields, etc. is a nice thing. Getting prompts for time to eat is great, I normally just do it by time. I think this is more normal for the Garmin ecosystem as you can do this on other types of products of theirs and it is then more like a platform like say your iphone. Play list control on my head unit with a spotify app…please, same for podcasts. I kind of wish the head units would just adopt Android for devices and open up, that would be killer.

Wahoo’s head units are based on android, but just from a very limited standpoint. Or at least that’s what I recall reading about a ways back.

Anothert vote for this feature - it should be simple really. Either as part of a workout or a free ride.

One more vote here, this would be so good to have. I’m bit baffled how Wahoo sometimes lacks such rather “easy” features (as it is about the connection, not the actual implementation of the content to be displayed).

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I also need this. Please make it possible so I do not have to change to Garmin.

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I also need this. Now i have to enter everything manually.

Same it would be so nice on Wahoo elemnt v1 !

I hope it will be integrated with Wahoo fast. This would be great!

Another vote for integration

Wahoo please get this sorted. I’m fully immersed in the Wahoo ecosystem (Bolt, Rival, Kickr) but nutrition is such a crucial components of cycling nowadays that the lack of this integration single-handedly makes me want to switch to Garmin. Please sort it out!!

Integration would be great and helpful. and another advantage from wahoo!!!

Any update on this integration?