Export to Strava: remove "Wahoo SYSTM" from name

Any time a workout gets posted from SYSTM to Strava, the workout name starts with “Wahoo SYSTM”, instead of giving me just the workout name.

Is there a way or setting to not have that happen? I really dislike companies plastering their names all over everything.

You could always edit after it’s been uploaded. Same as Zwift, I think.

If someone uses multiple training applications it could be useful to quickly distinguish which one was used.
Last month there were some changes in Systm to TrainingPeaks integration and the result is that in workout name uploaded from Systm to TrainingPeaks disappeared prefix “Wahoo SYSTM -” :frowning_face:

Could you use https://www.activityfix.com/ to make automatic adjustments to the activity names?


Came here to say this :slight_smile:

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This is the tool i’ve been looking for, for a while now. After achieving N+1 bikes last year i’ve had issues with setting the right bike to my strava activities for gear tracking. Been using commutemarker.com which has some of the functionality I wanted but not everything that activityfix does.



That’s a great site that I wasn’t aware of, thank you!

Unfortunately, it can only add to or completely overwrite the title, not to a search + replace.

Well, that’s what I am doing right now but I want to automate it because I need those two seconds for … for … eh … more suffering!!!

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fwiw, I don’t disagree. Whatever the ride says it’s called when you’re done, should be the thing that gets uploaded. As it is right now, Wahoo SYSTM is put on after you save the workout, whatever you’ve called it.

The fact that the ride is identified as a SYSTM ride in Strava is useful to me. I like it to be obvious that it is a SYSTM ride, a ZWIFT ride, a Trainerroad ride, real ride, etc… They are characteristically different. What’s the advantage of obfuscating this?


To me, they’re already clearly identified as virtual rides and the wahoo SYSTM tags appear on the image upload so it seems kinda redundant. That said, I see your point and I suppose if I wanted to search all activities done on SYSTM or Zwift of RGT or whatever, the name in the title does facilitate that.

I don’t remove it altogether, I replace SYSTM by Sufferfest :slight_smile:


SYSTM is more than Sufferfest now. Just “SYSTM” would suffice to sort and identify where the ride originated and where to go for more detail, to do it again, etc…

I think it’s done as advertising, and they have to prefix with wahoo as the name Systm isn’t well known, so I don’t think you’re going to get it changed by default.

Har. I didn’t expect to get it changed, but good point. I forget that aspect of Strava as I keep my account private. Anyway, it’s NBD, but I’d prefer a succinct label to make it easy to identify the type/source of the activity. I have activities labeled Rouvy, Trainerroad, Zwift, but also Wahoo Systm and Wahoo RGT.

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I’m actually proud of the fact that my STRAVA rides show SYSTM or Wahoo or RGT in any ride title :slight_smile:
I don’t class it as advertising but as a way of showing the deliberate choices I have made for my indoor training platform :slight_smile:
It differentiates me from a user of any other platform too. If it gets my Strava contacts to look at Wahoo X as an alternative to their existing pain platform then I think that’s good :slight_smile:
I agree that perhaps there could be a choice offered, but the cost of doing that may be better spent elsewhere :slight_smile:
I’m sure you’re aware, but that same SYSTM ride name is also sent to Garmin Connect too, and from there to Strava if GC is set up to Sync with it. RGT rides don’t directly sync to GC and if you send the .fit file to GC only the name of the area is shown (Borrego shows as San Diego County Virtual Cycling).
Maybe you could try exporting the SYSTM activity from Garmin Connect as a .TCX file - they don’t appear to carry the activity name.


Seems they heard this. Now the ride title is just “evening ride” with no title image. Makes for a very boring Strava timeline :frowning:

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Seems like there are two threads going related to this issue.


Thanks for linking this, I was going crazy trying to figure this out and couldn’t find any threads on it