From the Coaches: Adaptations to Strength Training

Hi Suzie, I.
Im on the 18 weekend gravel program w yoga and strength. We Have had 5 weekend of winter in Stockholm, so I Have not followed the program, as XC skiing has ben great. Now rain and Warm
M so back on trainer. It’s 2 months before outdoor season starts, so I don’t think 18 weeks is ideal. I also like to have more HIT.I did a lactate test, and was recommended to avoid Z3 altogether. I also adjusted ftp to 260 from 240 based on the real test. Some interval training has been “on the edge” eg I haven’t been able to complete all sets. So what 8-12? Weeks program do you recommend? I can spend same amount each week. Last day in this program March 7. Thanks Fred


Happy to hear that you’ve enjoyed some skiing/cross training this winter. That’s great for your body and mind!
I cannot give you the best training plan advice without knowing more about your goals and such, and the forum is not the place for us to do that. Our customized training plans are perfect for that. Customised SUF Training Plans – The Sufferfest
In regard to manually adjusting your FTP, it sounds like you’ve moved it up too much if you cannot complete your workouts. I would drop it at least 10w and re-evaluate.

Hi Suzie,
Understood, but is there any program with more intervals like MAP 40/20? Or bill any program adjust according to my profile?
BestRegards Fred

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Off the top of my head, I know the eSports and Criterium racing plans include a lot of MAP focused workouts. Take a look at those and see if they fit your needs!

Hi @Coach.Suzie.S I’ve been with Sufferfest for about 18mths now, and am making good progress on raising numbers. This is my first structured training in about 30 years of cycling regulalry (plus running and swimming).
However, the strength sessions hit me like I’m a toddler! After yesterday’s session (2A!) my muscles are sore - more sore than almost all of the cycling workouts make me. Core and arms are OK, as are quads, but my glutes and inner thighs are stiff.

Is this because I’ve never done any strength training before?

Yes, your glutes and inner thighs are areas that tend to be under-utilized, both in daily life as well as cycling. It’s not surprising that those areas are more sore than anything else. You will gain strength, but each time you move up a level, or do a new workout, you may be very sore again afterwards. That’s a normal part of progressive overload, and how you get stronger. Stick with it and as you change programs, try to maintain as best you can with easier workouts than to stop completely and re-start and have to go through that level of soreness again!
So happy to hear that you’re making progress. Keep it up!

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Did you ever figure this out? I followed the TOS prep and did the TOS. Now I’m doing the post-TOS plan, and it doesn’t have any strength to add to it. Seems a bit self-defeating, but what do I know?

If the plan you’re on doesn’t have a strength option built into it, you could add in one of the strength-only plans via Training Plans → Cross-training → Strength Training. You can adjust the start date so that it lines up with days you want to do the strength.

And if you then start another plan that does include strength, just delete the strength-only plan from your calendar - it will keep any completed workouts, and delete the planned workouts from future dates.

@BikeGirl and @Peter_Lewis,
Usually, the best thing to do is trust the plan as it’s written. In regard to the TOS plans, I think they were written without including strength in order to minimize fatigue prior to the Tour, and promote faster recovery after the Tour. If you feel like you can handle a bit of light strength, you could do 1-2 sessions/week of the low level beginner or intermediate series or recovery workouts in order to maintain the strength you’ve built.

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Is it a good idea to do a strength session right before cycling?
Or will there be adaptation issues going into a Suff session with a little fatigue?
So far, I have not had any issues. The strength session does not drain me completely (except when I know I will be spending time at/over my MAP - then I avoid the strength sesh).

@Rohit Here is a response in another thread from Coach Suzie on a similar topic that might help.

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Would this also mean that one should not do a Full Frontal during the adaptation phase?

Not necessarily…I mean, if you’re sore from a strength session, then you’re probably not going to have your BEST FF results, but it also doesn’t mean that you won’t have good results. We generally progress you pretty slowly through the strength program and back off the week prior to Full Frontal if you’re following a training plan, so you shouldn’t have to worry about that. If you’re adding the strength program onto a plan as a stand alone cross training plan, then yes, you’ll want to make sure that you’re not starting a new level of strength the week of or week before doing Full Frontal.

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at least having worked through intermediate 5A thus far, i find that the suf strength sessions are more along the lines of general conditioning, strength endurance, and balance and mobility. Which is great! I needed it and with patience, have seen great progress (I used to not even be able to really raise my arms over my head, my shoulder mobility was so bad). But it’s not really maximal strength or power-oriented.

before racing season, i usually like to do a block of power-oriented strength training, things like plyometrics and other explosive movements.

Has anyone else found that the DOMS is absolutely brutal when moving from strength endurance to power moves? just 3 sets of max explosive jump plyos and i am absolutely dead today.

Second, what’s the best way to work these in alongside the SUF strength? Maybe do a small number of sets of plyos immediately prior to teh SUF strength? Or maybe reduce SUF strength to once per week, and the second day, do my own routine?

@devolikewhoa I think either idea works. Overall you just want to go slow and adapt.

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So you’re saying, don’t jump into anything too quickly? :smirk:



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Is there plans to build on the strength program?

I’ve completed what’s currently there so am wondering what to do next?

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@emacdoug Ha - well there is something to be said for a controlled box jump. Smashing your shins on the box is no fun.

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@Singletracknick I think I read that they were going to add to that program. Can’t seem to find that thread now. I think there was also a suggestion to just slowly increase the weight that you are doing in the current videos.