HalfMonty gone wrong?

Hi all,
I’m wondering if there is a possibility of the results of the Half Monty going badly wrong. I got the following results (which I’m fine with since I’m new.)
NM 424 watts (-177)
AC 155 watts (-152)
MAP 74 watts (-145)
FTP 45 watts (-138)
I’m not exactly out of shape, as I’ve been riding at least four times a week, but not in a structured way.

The resulting level of the most recent workout is that in my easiest gear, I’m still generating 4x more power than target. I’m spinning at 80 RPM at 80ish watts. The recovery workout seemed much too easy. My trainer is in ERG mode.

Should I redo the Half Monty or adjust the percentage of the workout to above 100% for a bit. Any other thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

Ya may do FF :+1:t2:

Welcome @ShannonMN .

Those results do look wrong. Can you share the graph from the workout?

A couple of thoughts: you may have stopped the ramp part too early. You need to get at least five full ramp steps done for the app to estimate your MAP. You can do this part in ERG mode.

The 20 minute constrained test needs to be done in level/slope mode, as you need to control your heartrate to a range that the app gives you. Are you using a heart rate monitor? If not, then the 20 minute constrained part of Half Monty does not matter.

Just wondering if you’re using virtual watts. I got some pretty big variations in power when I was using virtual watts. I used that as one of the justifiers to get a smart trainer. :man_shrugging:

I think you’ve got something here. I thought I was fresh, but got through only four steps. I’ll do test again this weekend. I thought the numbers were odd as well. Not making excuses, but had a migraine the next day, so was probably not at my best physically. Thanks for the insight.

Even not fresh, you should be able to make it through the first five or six steps of the ramp.

You might need to reduce the MAP number that Half Monty is using, as this sets the starting power for the ramp test, along with the step size. You can do this prior to starting the workout by reducing the percentage of your 4DP numbers that the app is using. Maybe change it from 100% to 80%. It’s probably OK to reduce all the numbers (FTP, MAP etc.) together, rather than adjusting them individually. As long as you ‘fail’ at some point in the ramp test, then the exact number you start on doesn’t matter.

Thanks. Unfortunately all the numbers have been adjusted by the Half Monty.Maybe I’ll round up a bit, or just increase the percentage for next time.