Introducing the new “Yoga For Recovery” videos!

Man, I gotta try that combo. That’s exactly where I need some help.


You and every other road cyclist! All the tension builds up in your upper back which brings your shoulders up by your ears. And the rounded forward position with closed chest stiffens up your thoracic something chronic! So yes, Scapular Stability followed by Thoracic Recovery—to engage your mid back and then open up your chest and Shoulder Stability to activate your shoulders and Neck And Upper Back Recovery to stretch out your neck and upper traps should be a godsend.


Regular yoga! Many many yoga poses strengthen and improve flexibility in the feet and ankles. Downward Dog, High Lunge, Awkward Pose…these are just a few. Try to incorporate both Knee And Ankle Stability and Foot And Ankle Recovery into your training a couple of times a week.


Thanks Abi! :slight_smile:
I’ll do both twice a week (on separate days) and keep doing pre ride and post ride routines.

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Hi Abi,

Thank you for the great advice. I have integrated them in my workout routine and feeling more and more stronger :slight_smile: doing more core yoga workout and strength training consistently. The kettlebell swings is a nice addition also.

Pre-workout activation yoga and Emma Coburn warm up does the trick to activate my glutes, abs, … ready for my run.

Thanks you


Hi @abicarver, I’ve been doing your yoga routines for almost a year now (especially Hips & Hamstrings!) and have definitely found they help with recovery and injury prevention. My flexibility does not seem to have improved much however, so I’m wondering what I should be doing differently to improve? Thanks!


Hi Michael. It’s a great question. Variety, frequency and consistency are key. In yoga, we can improve flexibility dynamically—taking your joints through their end ranges of motion, actively—simultaneously contracting and relaxing opposing muscle groups and passively—holding stretches without resistance.

So it’s important to practice all these styles regularly—focusing on your tighter areas. Depending on where you feel your flexibility is most lacking, you might like to try out these sequences in which we hold poses for longer:

Routines like this work better with stills than video!

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Hi @abicarver - now at a 200 day streak and loving it! I managed to separate both my shoulders in the last 3-4 years and have suffered aches and pains ever since.

During this streak any discomfort and weakness has gone - stability is back and I no longer have any discomfort even during strenuous activities.

Pretty bummed though: despite the better flexibility I now have I cannot get anywhere close to doing Wheel. Crow and other difficult poses are fine but not this one - guessing I just don’t have the flexibility in my spine.

Thanks for the great videos that really make a significant difference.

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Thanks so much Abi-I will give this a try!