I completed my knighthood on 24th of Sep and submitted my form. My badge has appeared on awards however, apart from the automated email to say the form had been recieved I haven’t heard anything via email or received anything in the post. Is this a normal amount of time to wait?
To answer the question though, yes, this is a normal amount of time to wait these days. Afaik, other than GvA, there is literally one VERY dedicated minion tasked with keeping Knights uncomfortable. Hang in there. Maybe work through the SUF catalogue from hardest to harderest and by the time you’ve managed to remove all the bits of metal (or carbon) from your teeth from all that stem chewing, you’ll have a nice little envelope in your mailbox from Agonia.
In the meantime, here’s a SUF ton of pics of Chris Froome looking at stems replete with captions and everything
Which form did you use? There are two circling around here and one of them definitely doesn’t do anything. I waited months, then found a different form, summited that, and I’ve gotten everything within 2 weeks.