Knights of Sufferlandria Announcement

Thank you for this, Dame.Ellisa.Podemski. I’m glad to see the legend and tradition continue and thrive.
Sir Terry.


I have 5 kids and a wife but have no problem scheduling in races which last 10+ hours. I think I could manage @JGreengrass . Just need to think of it as a race day and train/schedule accordingly…

I do have a constructive question though… even if it may seem sacreligious. Is everybody completing the quest at 100% or do they dial it down to 90, etc ? What’s the verification protocol and/or requirements in that regard? Sometime I dial down a sufferfest video depending on the day and sometimes (like the last video I did, The Bat) I had to increase individual targets 110% or so.

Edit: Just checked. I increased Bat to 105% on FTP and 114% on MAP the last time I did it.


Most do their quests in the 70-80 % range. Some a bit higher some a bit lower. If you read the rules, the point is to be proud of your self and your efforts and to suffer.


Wow, check out the little old UK representin’ with 602 Knights against the US’s 694! I wonder which nation has the greatest number of Knights per capita? Finland might be in with a shout…


It is by pure chance that I checked the forums and discovered that GOAT is no longer eligible for my imminent Knighthood Quest. It has been on my list of 10 for the last 6 months. Quite a psychological blow really.

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Replace it with 9 Hammers. You’ll be fine. :rofl:

In all seriousness, 14 Vice Grips or Revolver are pretty similar. I found that near the end of my quest, on-off efforts were easier to maintain than long steady efforts, so one of those should work.


I thought this WAS serious. :smiley:

Or Power Station.


Thanks, yes I think those are good suggestions. Naturally, being a Sufferlandrian I relish the additional suffering I may now experience during my quest.
I guess the lesson here is to check the eligibility list just before the Quest, or perhaps Wahoo could put an obvious label on the eligible workouts. If there already is one I haven’t noticed it.


I am super curious about the new kit. I bet it is a different design that the previous one.


This is absolutely great news about the kit and I don’t see how it is elitism to reward Knights with a few nostalgic videos. It would be elitism if you had to have an FTP of over 300 watts to access them but anyone can ride a knighthood challenge at their levels.
Lots of us have wife’s and children as well. That’s why we use turbo trainers. Busy life’s.


I LOVE that idea. It belongs as a feature request. If you don’t, I will. Maybe a little KoS COA icon or something.


I‘m also a bit disappointed. I did The Hunted last July and think I liked it. Wasn‘t it the one, where the peloton had to stop because of a train? I would have liked to get warned before removal to have a chance to ride those two (again).
Anyway for me it is 1 new SF - 2 gone = -1.
Which ones will disappear next?


There’s a train with your fans on it at the start of The Hunted, not sure where else. I do know there’s trains in Downward Spiral that split up the peloton and we’re given a couple bonus intervals as a reward :wink:

I’ve done The Hunted a grand total of 4 times since immigrating in 2015. Not done since 2020 and never done at 100%. I guess it’s time to dust off the old thing. IWBMATTKYT


What is the logic of allowing Power Station, but not allowing G.O.A.T?

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Waitaminnit, there’s logic in a Knighthood quest?!


I’m going to start by saying that GOAT is one of my favorite workouts, and I love Sir Standsalot.

Power Station is 7 minutes longer at 49 minutes, and is longer, harder, and maybe most importantly has a full SUF story line.

GOAT is only 42 minutes. And it was the shortest eligible workout. I’ve heard plenty grumbling (maybe some of it mine :innocent:) that it was too short and a little too easy.

But as for the official reasons… we’ll have to let someone official (@Dame.Ellisa.Podemski perhaps) give us GvA’s actual reasons.

Same with The Hunted and Local Hero. I assume it’s because of outdated and poor quality video. But maybe they had other reasons. :man_shrugging:


Which was why Norway was removed as an eligible vid too once the Pro Rides were released.


I did GOAT as number ten in my quest, you and I dear sir have vast different opinions on the difficulty of GOAT! In all seriousness, I did it last for a specific reason, low cadence and moderate power so that I could spend extended periods of time standing to relieve the massive pain in my backside from sitting on my bike for 10 videos in a row.


So stoked by all of this. It is worth doing a Knighthood just to get to do The Hunted and Local Hero. They are two of my favorites for really getting after it.

And, lastly, of course doing a Knighthood smacks of elitism. It was one of the hardest physical/mental tests I have ever undertaken and besides, nothing of value is easy. Our shared journeys of watching others complete the quest, nervously planning our own and then sharing that experience with the next in line is priceless. This is why we have been so vocal about the changes and so happy to see things coming back. Come join us!


And unlike all the other videos that have already been disappeared, the commoner peons of Sufferlandria don’t even have this as a NoVid (which itself is a poor substitute for removed workouts).

Disappointing to continue losing content. I enjoyed The Hunted when I did it.