It is one of my favorites as well!
The last time I heard a platform say “More like wallet getting too empty”, it wasn’t long before the platform ceased to exist.
Don’t jest…
Thanks for the heads up. I’ve done 87% of the inspiration rides so some new material will be very welcome. 3 departing videos I’ll need to catch before they go.
good grief.
And I just got the Inspiration badge… up we go again
Ouch but pretty much inline with a lot of companies in the industry right now.
That doesn’t look good at all!!
Glad I opted to not prepay for an additional year. Who knows what Wahoo may look like in six months or a year?
I’m minimally torn about that but MOSTLY GLAD I DID PREPAY another year even beyond the 5 or 6 months left I already had in the bank. My little bit won’t make the difference, but I hope enough folks DO prepay that it helps swing the balance toward survival and eventual recovery of the company!
I think the KICKR is a FABULOUS indoor bike, and SYSTM is WAY MORE what I’m looking for than other apps. (And I paid full price for my KICKR in January 2022, and it was tough to see it going for as low as 40% off that price by year end, but I’m still glad I got it!)
What a shame it would be for all this to go away!! I’d like to say I want to grow old riding SYSTM, but in reality, I’m already there!
I wouldn’t read too much into that. Like anything, we have a budget for the Inspiration category. That means we need to cut old films in order to bring in new ones and still remain in budget.
Thanks for the heads up notice, but since so many people don’t and won’t ever utilize the forums, and the fact that you can only stumble on a notice in the individual description area in the Library of videos/workouts, I’d like suggest that future notices (be they monthly or whatever) be included in a card on the Home tab of the SYSTM app.
Thanks again. Got all these on my workout calendar before they are gone if I had not done them yet.
@DouthatBiker I understand your sentiments. I also have a Kickr bike and like you paid full price. I love the bike. As far as enough people prepaying, that window has closed. You question should be, DID enough people prepay to swing the balance. I too have tried several other apps and like Systm the best, influenced in no small part to my old Sufferfest experience.
Call me crazy but with the pandemic, I thought people being housebound were flocking to home exercise. This should have helped all platforms gain subscribers.
I would hate to see it go by the wayside as would all users. My comment was simply a realistic acknowledgement that those prepaid subscriptions MAY be in some peril. I sincerely hope not.
What did Lachlan do to upset the Minions–suffer too much? Looking forward to the new series… I guess that All Inspiration badge will be the forever just slightly out of reach!
That supports my supposition that the renewal deal was to raise cash quickly.
In the United States, at least, interest in cycling has gone through cycles of a great deal of interest, and then a loss of interest. People now have other things to spend on with their entertainment money.
My local bicycle shop tells me that things are much worse now.
I’m not sure you’ve paid for our last argument yet so…
I’ve enjoyed most of the Inspiration films that have appeared in my training plans. They really do make those low intensity rides go by much faster.
That said, I don’t think there are any that I would really enjoy seeing multiple times, so great news that some of them will be replaces by new ones. If 10-20 are replaced by new ones every year, that would be great.
Kudos on the advance notice as well, it’s appreciated!
Of course, being lazy at manual workout scheduling, I would really like it if there was a way to tell a training plan that you don’t want to rewatch old Inspiration videos, so it would replace them with ones you haven’t seen yet…
This is true. Also the high inflation ushered in over the past two years has meant less dollars to spend on non-essentials. I have several friends that have eliminated some platforms because they don’t have the discretionary income to keep them.
That wasn’t an argument, that was pure contradiction.