Then try as much as you can to match the cadence too.
Forget about HR, unless you’re literally about to die. So long as your test results are close to accurate, just worry about power.
Do you have a smart trainer? If so, you can run the workout in ERG mode, and the app will adjust the trainer resistance to hit the target power.
If not, then you will need to change gears as the power target changes. As Sir @Jon says, aim for the power target first, cadence target second. Gear shifts get harder for some shorter intervals - for example, at the end of Violator where it’s 5 seconds on, 5 seconds off, I don’t bother shifting gears, I just pedal slowly in the recovery.
HR lags power output quite a bit, so don’t worry too much about that during the workout.
Thanks for that, makes sense. I was leaning towards the approach that power is the main thing (otherwise there would be cadence tests and not power tests).
Will keep working on power as the focus and make do with the other values/gearing. Yes the gearing is a pain on some I’ve found so far (mainly as I have a low spec set up), but I’m training for fitness rather than any real world cycling so I would rather spend out elsewhere.
It really depends on the workout. G.O.A.T., power Station, and the Cadence Builds/Drills series need full concentration on Candence. Other workouts that have ‘Cadence’ in them are supposed to be done to a specific cadence BUT in them you need to pay close attention to power and come as close as you can to cadence. Other workouts are mostly power based. One that specifically is power based is Violator.
If you have a smart trainer, most of the workouts are ok to do in Erg mode, in which case the power is automatically loaded to your smart trainer, and your job is simply to do your best to hit the cadence. No need to shift.
If you do not have a smart trainer, then yes you will be shifting gears a lot. It will take some getting used to to find the correct gearing to hit both cadence and power. As suggested, power would be the best target to aim for compliance first, and by increasing your cadence you can increase your power output. Then attempt to gear up or down and try to match the cadence the best you can. It’s ok if you are about 5 rpm’s off. With time and practice you will get more and more accurate.