New Workouts Replacing Which Old Ones?

I noticed that we have some new yoga on the app. I have been trying it and I am going to hold reservation on anything because frankly its been awhile since I have been consistent with yoga and well…I can tell. So I am going to keep my opinion on things to myself for the moment.
What I would like to know is what are the new videos replacing or better said as updating and which videos are being removed. I looked for “shake off the day” and it seems to have been removed. The one closest to it in title would be the “End of Day Stretch”. I don’t think this is a direct replacement though. Would be nice to know what’s being gotten rid of and what is incoming.


Interesting. Dec 28th was the last time I did “Shake off the Day”. I too wonder what else is has changed. I know “Bomb Your Quads” was renamed. Maybe that is what happened to “Shake off the Day” ?

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There are 20 new yoga videos. Their titles are obvious - they start with #NEW in the library page in the app.

Based on timings, the following appear to have been renamed:
Super Easy Stretch III is now Super Easy Stretch II
Hip Openers II is now just Hip Openers

The following appear to have been deleted:
Mobilize and Activate II
Shake Off The Day
Open Up The Chest
Lower Back Recovery II
Improving Posture II
Hip Openers I
Core Strengtheners III
Yin For Runners
Leg Strengtheners
Super Easy Stretch Routine II
Yin: Groin For Runners
Mobilize The Joints
Guided Meditation II
Foot And Ankle Recovery
Yin: Glutes And Lower Back For Runners
Knee And Ankle Stability
Shoulder Stability
Balance And Agility II
Back Strengtheners
One Hour Yoga Routine

Sorry for the unconventional order, it is by actual workout length, it’s what I had handy.


I’ve got No Prop Yin also removed, unless it had another name and I misnamed it :man_shrugging:

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I think No Prop Yin was renamed to Yin for Runners, which was dropped. At least that’s what a quick glance at my code to summarize my history suggests.

Yeh, that makes sense.

I only did it once then immediately added it to my NEVER do again list with the note “2 minutes of screaming toes and a bunch of moves I can’t do. DNF”

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Then you’ll LOVE the new Mobilize Your Body. I once publicly praised Screaming Toe Pose and all I can say about that is “Be careful what you wish for…”


Yep. I’ve done all the new ones and already added that to my list of Noga vids :face_vomiting:

Here’s my note on that one:
*over 3 mins of screaming toe pose at the start then thunderbolt :man_facepalming:t3:

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@Glen.Coutts , what’d you think of the Abs and Obliques routine? I feel like it should be reclassified as Sufferfest. Twisted Boat poses AND Side Plank twists :scream::nauseated_face:

lol. I’ll just say it’s not made the cut for my “favourites”, but I never put it on my Noga list either so :man_shrugging:t3:

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My favorite is “Final Resting Pose”.
We will all do that position at some point.


@CraigM Here is my first go at matching some of these titles up. I lined up what seemed extremely obvious then filled in from there with my best guess.

I wish @Wahoo would pop in here and simply set us straight. I do have to say a while back, like a year or two ago, I requested that Wahoo start to move the yoga in the direction of naming them for what body part the workouts help. It seems like they have taken heed of that request.

Old Title Matching New Title
Back Strengtheners Peak Pose Wheel
Balance And Agility II Balance & Mobility
Core Strengtheners III Abs & Obliques
Foot And Ankle Recovery Foot & Ankle Recovery
Guided Meditation II Body Scan
Hip Openers I The One for Your Hips
Improving Posture II Supple Spine & Hips
Knee And Ankle Stability Off Balance
Leg Strengtheners Total Leg Strength
Lower Back Recovery II Lower Back Release
Mobilize and Activate II Classic Yoga Flow
Mobilize The Joints Mobilize Your Body
One Hour Yoga Routine One Hour Total Body Stretch
Open Up The Chest Chest Opener
Shake Off The Day End of Day Stretch
Shoulder Stability Chest & Shoulder Strength
Super Easy Stretch Routine II Spinal Flexibility
Yin For Runners Post-Run Cool Down
Yin: Glutes And Lower Back For Runners Hamstring & Hip Release
Yin: Groin For Runners Stretch Out Your Legs

Let me know what everyone thinks about this.

@Glen.Coutts Any video with screaming Toe pose is “Noga” video for me too, but I still do them, occasionally. LOL!!!


@Heretic I’m betting you hearted the “Body Scan” workout.


Welp they removed 3 of my favorites and since the playback of downloaded content on the new iOS is broken, I guess I’ll never see them again.

I’m sure everyone enjoys new content, BUT WHY EVER REMOVE ANY? Just build the library and leave the existing stuff alone. Someone uses it!

Sigh. IMHO, the drain started when Sufferfest was no longer just that.



That was one of my all time favourites. The new Lower Back Release just doesn’t cut it.

@Wahoo - how about returning the missing ones under an archive option or some other means that results in them not being removed. Love the fact that you are continually developing but we miss the old ones


I’m confused. I have Lower Back Recovery in my library. And I even did it yesterday. I just checked and it’s still there.

And this is the same one I’ve been doing for a few years. So is this what you are referring to? Or something else?

I think he means Lower Back Recovery II, which had Goddess pose in it.

This workout was also one of my favorites, but Goddess pose is relatively easy to do on your own. Spread your feet too far apart, turn your feet out at 45 degrees, then put your hands on your knees and sit backward until something tears down there or your knees make a loud crunching sound. Raise up a couple of millimeters and hold. When you are ready to get out of the pose, call someone for help.


Ahh. That makes more sense to me now. Thanks! :blush:

Yep, what @CraigM said :slight_smile:

I think that the II got caught up in my multiple exclamation marks (a sure sign of madness according to Terry Pratchett).

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Thank you so much for this! Your post is a lifesaver. Does Wahoo ever publish a cross reference like this? I expect that these are planned and selected, so I don’t understand why that would be left to the community to figure out.

I get frustrated when I set up a plan and scheduled workouts are deleted 2 weeks later. I wouldn’t expect the app to replace deleted scheduled workouts with their replacements, but a published list would help.

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