Passport view

Hey Minions,

It would be great if when you enter the passport section in the app, you would be able to have a view of all completed workouts by workout name in order to compare the session against previous completed sessions and progress/regress in fitness.
e.g. click on “Revolver” and get a summary of all the last 6 times I completed the workout, with dates and brief summary of stats (normalized power, average HR and Average cadence.)

Date NP | AvrPwr |Avr HR| Avr Cad
12/05/2020 260 230 145 92
20/01/2019 230 215 147 90
12/10/2018 200 187 152 89

Cool idea…I’ll be able to SUFFER more🌋

Hi @Carlos_Pinho great suggestion- and already a much requested filter for the passport!

I diligently track all of the feature requests from Sufferlandria- and I’ll include your vote for this request. Cheers!


You probably already know then, Dame Ellisa, that this feature existed in version 5.5 of the app. You could search under activities for the particular vid you did, then it would sort, grouped, showing your historical performance. I LOVE that feature.


@Glen.Coutts - I think it was the teasing appearance of this feature that places it near the top of our requested features list!

But please- tell me you’re not still running 5.5?


I am not still running 5.5…officially :wink:

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