Please add the ability to push your program out week

Hey Guys,

Please add this feature as it really makes it difficult to follow a program. TrainerRoad has a feature that allows you to push remaining schedule out by a week. So for instance your doing a 12 week program but in week 6 your out for a week for vacation there is a button that allows you to push the remaining schedule out a a week. It then takes your remaining weeks and reschedules everything a week later so you can go on your vacation. This is a must feature for plans and I am not sure how this was omitted but I understand the software is still very new. I currently have a program going that ends in January but I have a week of vacation in November and December. This means I basically have to skip those week because there is no easy reschedule things.



@Claude Currently the workaround is to delete the plan the day you are going away - it will keep all completed workouts on the calendar. Then when you are back from vacation add back the plan and change the end date of the plan so that it compensates for the time that was lost.

In addition there are also suggestions in the forum regarding substituting run workouts for bike workouts and/or focusing more on strength and yoga that week in the event that you want to continue working out through the vacation period.

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