Hello - I’m considering spending 10+h of suffering in the coming months (why not, right?) for my KoS attempt. I found the following webpage to explain the process (https://blog.wahoofitness.com/the-knighthood-challenge/) however we are supposed to register the knighthood attempt via a form a the bottom of the page, but the form has disappeared. @David.McQuillen.KoS are the KoS attempts on hold at the moment?
Also, is there a special category or forum topic where we are supposed to document our quest?
First, welcome to Sufferlandria, you can never leave. I believe the minions are aware that the link to the form is missing but KoS quests are definitely NOT on hold. Here is a link to the form for you. It is possible that it got waylaid in the transition or that the minions are working to create a new form. In the meantime good luck in your quest.
Hopefully the minions get something up sooner, but I’ve bookmarked this for my Nov 19 attempt. Just in case.
Sir, both the blog page and support site page have now been updated.
No stress on the documentation @Greg, I need to get that bit updated as well. As long as you follow the workout and ten-minute breaks rules, you should be all set. The workout list should now be removed from the help article and the list on the blog post is up to date. If you have any questions please feel free to message me directly. I’m happy to help!
The link to the application is on the new page, but it’s a tiny hyperlink. I’ll get that fixed! Here is the link that you need though @Greg .
Loving that image of the Knights’ sticker Sir Cody. Oh, wait, sorry, you don’t call them stickers do you (even though they are ). Oh and there’s that other thing I won’t mention because
[c] Streamed to the Globe
Lol, yep. C) Using the SYSTM app.
So, I see the proper crest.
Gotta ask if the silly goat can be done away with for the knight’s decals.
I did my Second and Third quests back-to-back in 1 day, rode 20 hours, and got 4 goats.
Seriously not putting those on any of my bikes.
Truth be told @SirAlexanderLee I’ve grown used to, and quite fond of the new decals. I still have 1 of the OG ones that hasn’t been used but I am happily sporting the new one on the front of my head tube.
Yeah, not trying to start a row. Just the one thing I can’t seem to accept in a sea of acceptance on everything else.
To each his own. IMO the new one simply isn’t as Knightly and majestic.
I sorted the kit problem myself, looking like I’ll be sorting the decal problem myself.
Judging by the number of likes from the previous FB post, I think most prefer the old coat of arms.
Wasn’t thinking you were suiting up for a fight cuz #IWBMATTKYT
I agree 100% the OG Knights decal is superior. It was THE reason I did the quest in the first place. And I’m not kidding. I was just saying the new decal has grown on me and I think it has a certain classiness of its own.
The OG jersey is also, imho, superior and I’d fully support the reinstatement of that epic design. The new ones are just meh. You had a custom kit made I take it? It looks sweet!
Yup. Custom. Just like my first Knight kit but some personal embellishments and bigger logo.
Maybe the goat will grow on me. IDK.
I like it as a decal and as a small emblem on the chest. I don’t think I’d want it as a big thing on the back of the jersey though the gilet looks pretty cool I think and I’ll prolly order one as a Xmas present to myself
So the custom kit, was that cuz of your body measurements? The OG jersey fit me just fine #sufferlandrianswhodonotlift
I’d give my insert body part here to get the original knights kit. I agree that it looks more knightly and regal while also getting that its very busy to try and reproduce. I have 3 of the original knight decals left, 1 with white lettering and 2 with black, if you want one of them hit me up and I’ll send it your way.
I don’t mind the lazer goats but the OG kit does look a lot better.
Appreciate the offer, but you’ll want to keep ahold of those.