Hi everyone,
Apologies to anyone who has recently, in the last couple of weeks, completed a knighthood but hasn’t heard from us. We aren’t ignoring you on purpose. Something has gone sideways with our submission form and we aren’t receiving your submissions as we should be.
Please carry on with your quests as planned, and follow this thread. We have the best detectives available to Sufferlandria on the case and hope to get this resolved soon. I will be back here with any updates.
If you have recently completed a quest, applied, but haven’t heard from me via email yet, please hang tight. I’ll post here as soon as I have a solution. We will get your info, and have your admission processed ASAP!
Cody: Can you post something in BOTH the Sufferlandria and Knighthood Prep pages about this? I’m the Knighthood Page Admin and I’m getting pounded on this subject. I’ve been advised not to sound like a Wahoo mouthpiece as well.
Thanks for the information Sirs @Cody.Moore and @jmckenzieKOS, really appreciate it.
Since my quest is this Saturday, 28th May 2022, I should be just filling the form upon completing the quest as usual right?
My 2 cents on this: As long as you know that your quest incl. the paperwork is in the works everything is fine. Take your time - no need to rush.
It only gets confusing when you don‘t know if all data is in the right place to get analyzed…
So thanks a lot to all who work hard to get things sorted.
Your effort is highly appreciated!

Thanks, I’ll make sure that it gets there.
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@DarrenWCKam you are going to crush it!! I don’t think I’ll have the new form up in time, but I’ll do my best. Either way, drop me a DM on here once you are through and I’ll make sure that we get your info and get you taken care of. You just focus on completing that quest!
Thank you for the well wishes!
I am quite ready to get some flogging tomorrow morning, just some last minute things to prepare this evening before D-day. Crush it, I will 
No worries, I will fill in the form as usual and will drop you a DM here too as a back up. Would you need any of my ride 10 rides data in by any chance through the DM?
Greetings @Cody.Moore.
I just finished my Knigthood quest today 26 May. I also submitted the form and posted all the screenshots in The Sufferlandria FB page and in my Strava. Please let me know if you need something from me. I noticed I changed the email in my Systm App (the one I used for the form), but to login to this forum, I am still using the first email I used when created the account. Not sure if that would create any issues. Thanks!
Hi everyone!
@Francislrt do you mind following along here as well?
Again sorry for the trouble with the KOS form, but I have a new one up and running. If you have recently submitted an application for Knighthood but haven’t heard from me directly please fill out this form.
Please share the new form link with anyone you come across who needs it:
Our KOS instructional post still needs its link updated but I’ll get that done as soon as possible.
Hello there Sir Cody! Thank you so much for the new form!
I have duly completed this new form as well as the old form too.
My quest which ended just slightly over 3 hours ago was filled with much pain, agony and misery, but it is for the sake of Honour, Glory and Victory!
Crushed it 

Sir Cody posted to the Knighthood Prep page on Facebook.
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Greetings Sir @Cody.Moore. I submitted the new application. Thank you ver much for the assistance!
Greetings Sir @Cody.Moore were you able to receive the new KoS applications? I heard there is a secret code to purchase a KoS jersey, I’d love to wear it in the Honolulu Century Ride in September. Thanks!
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