Ratios for plans?

Currently over half way through the Off Season Full Distance High Volume with Strength with 2:1 ratio and everything is going well.

Question is when moving to the race plan do I keep to the 2:1 ratio and take the next step up on the strength or change to 3:1 and step up on strength?


Only you will know how your body feels with intensity training combined with strength and only you really know how “experienced” you feel with the training combined with strength.

Personally, I would keep a 2:1 ratio if you’re stepping up the strength level but I feel your question is a bit too personal for general advice.

Maybe the coaches have better input.


@titanicus @andrewmei +1 for 2:1. I personally like the more frequent rest periods - makes me more comfortable taking more training stress during the other two weeks and then properly recovering. Also take a look at how your racing schedule fits in with the plan schedule as that may be a consideration.

Depending on when you can ride, I’d recommend sticking with 2:1 for your off season. As outdoor temps warm up and you get into event season, 3:1 is great if you find you’re doing several events or races a month. Otherwise, stick to 2:1 so your body can be a bit more rested for outdoor rides.

Right now, I’m doing 2:1 until March. That’s when my racing season starts, where I’ll dial it up to 3:1, substituting real rides/race for training, until June. Then I’ll dial it all back to 1-2 intervals a week through Nov/Dec (depending on CX season).

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