Reduced Even Keeled Contingency?

ok, so tomorrow I am doing the following:

When I open it up it looks like a weird version of The Bat:

I am assuming it is The Bat, but what’s with the name? And why does it have no 4DP rating? There’s also no mention of it being reduced in the settings, so I assume it’s at 100%?

This is the XC In Season plan (advanced).
I have State Championships coming up in 13 days so I should be starting to wind things down a bit (not sure about Str 6B and The Omnium at 100% on Friday!


This was reported in nitpicks and typos. It definitely is The Bat but somehow it was inadvertently renamed. I just finished the MTB in-season. I felt that it had a good balance of workouts to get prepped for a race and I felt very fresh at the end. Unfortunately I did not have a race to go to so I can’t tell you how I performed. Good luck!

Lol - it’s spread around the plans, and happening tomorrow, ben watching this for a while and hoping it means something exciting happens tomorrow - also appeared in my GG200 plan as a workout.
Made me smile …


Hey Chris,
Sorry for the confusion here and sorry to disappoint @Martin, there is nothing new or exciting happening here, it is a bug we are aware of and resolving, the prescribed workout for you is indeed ‘The Bat’.

If you are looking for new stuff, checkout:

  • Attacker
  • Cobbler
  • Recharger

Yeah I know … but it was fun …

A few more amusing names in the weeks and months deliberately dropped in might be a laugh …


“Reduced even-keeled contingency” isn’t quite as catchy as “The Bat” :rofl:


Yeah. I moved that workout out to Nov 2023 :slight_smile: