
Well this morning I restarted strength. After a 5 week (maybe more) hiatus … funny how annual leave and other summer stuff and so on really cracks a routine … I thought it was time toi get back on the bus.

I got 5 minutes in and (I did finish it by the way) I felt like just lying down and going to sleep … someone has stolen all my motivation, deleted my MTP, tired me out and I just felt … meh

Took a short break, got more water, got a cup of tea and did it in a few sections.

INT 3A complete as a restart. And I’m still tired.

Hoping to feel better in weeks to come and get back in to 4,5,6 ones again. I do think the movement and whyh it matters thread is a good reminder as to why this is an important addition to my week - and I think in my advanced years probably even more so for future health as cycling is making imbalances that have been around a long time … worse.


I restarted recently, too, but all the back to intermediate 1A. Felt manageable :grinning:

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I recently restarted after having my appendix out. No using my core for a month or two.

Previously had finished Int 6. Started back at Beginner 1a just to be safe 3 months ago.

I’ve now made my way back to Int 5. Most of the moves are fine, but I struggle with the core sections.