Select and zoom in on parts Activity Details

It would be great if on the Activity Details page we could select parts of the workout and zoom in to better analyze the data. I’m sure others have requested this as well but I did not find it when I searched.


+1. I’d love to have SYSTM replace my use of or Strava for this purpose.


Yes I want to get away from using anything powered by Strava for analyzing data because they use data smoothing

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@Ken_Bitting - Have you taken a look at Golden Cheetah? Whilst its PC based it offers you a host of ways to slice and dice data and keep track of all your metrics. Also includes a ‘train’ feature that lets you load a file and ride that workout. Not that the ‘train’ feature can replace Wahoo SYSTM just a mention as I use that when I don’t have internet access.


I don’t think this is accurate. Strava does not smooth my data, and they do allow zooming in.
What measuring device are you using to send to Strava?
Some devices or apps DO have the OPTION to use data smoothing, so if that’s happening, it will show in Strava as the smoothed results. But you should be able to turn that off wherever it’s being recorded that way.
If you’re speaking specifically of POWER smoothing, you may also have the choice of showing the results as 1second or 3second or even 10second power. What’s important for getting it into Strava, though, is how it is RECORDED, not necessarily how it is DISPLAYED on your device while doing the activity. I set my Garmin devices to record EVERY SECOND, for accuracy of not only power but GPS location pertaining to segments, etc.
Hope this is helpful.

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