Thank you Sir David and Sufferfest!

For the first time in several years I am not traveling due to the pandemic. This has allowed me to follow the training plans without interruption: concentrating on doing the indoor workouts during the week and a nice long ride with friends at the weekend.

Coupled with daily yoga, the transformation has been incredible. Both Strava and Training Peaks show me fitter than I have ever been and rides outside confirm this. Setting PBs and ever increasing pace on long rides and feeling strong at the end and not exhausted.

To anyone who doubts the plans (or reduced intensity rides) - stick with it and you’ll see the gains.

My dramatic (over 6 months) improvements have come despite being laid low with COVID in early April and an enforced 2 week absence. FTP and MAP have shown around 25-30% improvements - we’ll see what FF has to say next weekend!

What a wonderful app (and people). Any recommendations on what plan to follow next? I have done the Intermediate 12 week road plan twice (well 2.3 times after abandoning 1 plan due to COVID and restarting) in a row and am now looking for something different to prevent staleness creeping in.


@washsaint, no advice for you Sir Steve but congrats on the gains!


Thanks so much, Sir Steve! Although our Wahoo Coaching Team might have some suggestions, have you tried one of the building blocks plans? Those are pretty new and might give you a chance to focus on something you haven’t in the past.


Thanks Sir David - I am actively looking into those to mix it up a bit.

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