The Wahooligan Tour 2024

On my calendar, I have reserved a week for the Tour of Sufferlandria.


Sorry, I actually laughed out loud when I read this.


+1 for this name for me!

You’re better than me. I have no equipment whatsoever bearing the Wahoo brand name.

Same here.

As for me, even though I am not from the Western part of the globe and being a relatively young person in this entire community, I absolutely concur with those from Europe with the distasteful use of the H-word.
Yes, it’s The Company’s choice to name themself as Wahoo but they could have been more thoughtful and more importantly sensitive when it came to naming the people who uses their products and/or supporters of the brand as a whole.
With all due respect Sir @Rupert.H , justifying and reasoning what is already wrong from the very beginning is just beyond me. Not that we want to put you in a difficult position as we know you’re just doing your job, all we really hope you can do is to bring this whole H-word term to the marketing team of Wahoo and tell them ‘hey the Wahooligan term really draws a lot of flak from the community. Perhaps let’s look into and make some positive changes’.

Just my two cents.


I don’t usually post on forums unless I have something new, different or original to add.

However, I am compelled to also add my name to the long list of Wahoo supporters/users/enthusiasts who detest the ridiculous, gimmicky, ‘fun’ but not funny, athlete brand name chosen by Wahoo. I have lived in South Africa, Europe, South America and New Zealand. In each one of those places I would be plain embarrassed to use the term publicly.


Nicely said @Natasha.R .

I add my name to the list of people who want to see this brand name changed.

There are plenty of recent examples of rebranding where the old name or image was inappropriate: Unbound, Commanders, Laser Goat flag.

Is anyone from DPF aware of this discussion? I wonder what their thoughts are?


I just had a look at this thread after getting the digest email. I can scarcely believe what I’m reading. It’s just a word, which has NOWHERE NEAR the kind of weight you people are suggesting it has.

The worst of it, seemingly to link it with meaning “racist” is possibly the stupidest association I have ever seen, although that association with “skinheads” linking it in to the racist bit there was also pretty funny (tell me you know absolutely nothing about skinhead culture without directly saying it). You’re aware this word existed long before the tabloids decided to latch it on to football related violence of the 70/80s yes?

Maybe you people read too many tabloids. Try getting outside a bit more and a bit less trainer eh?

Honestly the pearl clutching here is laughable.

Sincerely, an (English, as it seems to matter) 70s/80s child, who’s gone to plenty of football matches in his time, and knew plenty of skins in his time as well, and understands that if he did a couple of workouts on his trainer the parish council is probably not going to ask the police to do something about that bloke who is obviously the one smashing plant pots in the village because his trainer software said he was a hooligan :laughing::laughing::laughing:

p.s. I knew someone a while back, from the punk and oi scene, who sold clothes under the brand name “Hooligan”. Perhaps you’d best tell that black skinhead he’s promoting racism.


Well there’s a solid defense. Can’t believe I ever thought Wahooligan was a poorly judged marketing term now I’ve been schooled :rage: :rofl:. Pretty sad that the annoucement of the 2024 Tour of Sufferlandria (plus the other route) has descended in to whatever the heck this is :cry:


You are entitled to your opinion as everybody is but I think you will find that you are in a massive minority on here and that no matter how you look at this, the " it’s only a word" as you put it, may not be something that you don’t mind being associated with but many here do just as other words used in our society today that offend people are not now generally uttered in public.


If you, or anyone else, are even VAGUELY saying this is on a level with the “N-word” you need to have a serious word with yourselves.

How on earth someone thinks they are being “associated” with a word that isn’t actually even being used in its “normal” form is beyond me.


EDITS2: I mention this second part because I’ve seen use of “H-word” on here. Like it has anything like that kind of history and vileness.

@donut_boy here’s something I posted earlier to convey the meaning here in Germany: Hooligans | Rechtsextremismus |

Please take a few seconds to read it.


A politically oriented website redefining its own meaning isn’t reliable source. No matter how much you choose to orient yourself with it. Sorry. The proper definitions have been given above a couple of times.

Lol - it’s the government site. Federal Agency for Civic Education |


Sorry that doesn’t come out in the translation (though a government site is not exactly unbiased information when it isn’t based around some sort of data) . Nevertheless, it doesn’t change the meaning of the English word no matter how much they might choose to frame it that way based on its use in English media back when (as it is of course an English word. Sorry.

English words get borrowed all the time - in Germany “handy” means mobile phone. Just because the English dictionary doesn’t define handy as mobile phone it doesn’t mean Germans are wrong, they’ve just appropriated the word from English for their own meaning.

Hooligan is exactly the same, an English word which the Germans have appropriated and the meaning has changed compared to the English original. It has now a life of its own in Germany regardless of what happens to the same word in England.

This happens all the time between different languages.


All we are saying is the word in question is not suitable considering its connotations particularly here in Europe. Whether you are bothered by it or not is not the issue as you are one individual in a sea of millions. Also, not sure how you made this assumption that I was putting this on the same level as the “N” word as that never entered my head so stop assuming what I am thinking and stick to the discussion. It is you that has skewed this into this direction so I think it is you that has the real issue.


There you go sweetheart.

EDIT (after reply): just some context as to my original reference:

those from Europe with the distasteful use of the H-word.

You’re really reaching now. The mash-up of “Wahoo” and “Hooligan” is of two (ostensibly) English words. So clearly any German definition isn’t relevant in the slightest.

Lol - whatever, man. Good luck.


Obviously you have that particular word on your brain so you do have an issue. Mine was a blanket comment which was referring to the myriad of words these days that are now considered offensive and TBH that particular one wasn’t on my list until you made a point of presuming that was what I as thinking. There is always one person on a forum that likes to stir the S**T, maybe you are doing it just to try to wind me up so no further responses to your comments from me, I won’t give you that satisfaction.


Admittedly this is going to be a stretch, but since you latched onto that association, and since you seem to think that “just a word” isn’t worth all the fuss and bother

Tell me, would you have had ANY greater understanding of all this “pearl clutching” if Wahoo had decided to call this TOUR (that many people have done for years prior and who have a vested, caring interest in that group effort) the Tour of WahooSKINHEADS? Maybe just shorten it to Wahooskis?

After all, dear @donut_boy it is “just a word.”

Like words DON’T mean anything