I want to give some well deserved recognition to @Cheryl.Vasan . She mistakingly completed stage 6 before stage 5, yet with the 50 hour window the software actually gave her credit. True to her Sufferlandrian ethics, and likely due to a little fear that the minions might inform GVA, she decided to treat the first attempt as a “warm-up for stage 5” then repeated stage 6 again this morning. Yet this time she rode it at 100%. Pretty impressive.
And when she pings me later today (and I know she will) to ask “have you suffered today?” I will be unable to answer the call with a “More than You”. Today she has that honor … and an additional donation was made to her ToS fundraising account out of Suf.Respect.
I’d love to hear of others that are going above and beyond to suffer in this year’s ToS. Please share your stories!