TOS Prep Plan - Only 1 Day of Strength per Week?

Wondering why the prep plan has only one day of Strength per week instead of the usual two.

Also curious if this will change the progression from Intermediate 1-3 to 4-6? I finished the 12 weeks of 1-3 last month and intended to resume post-tour with my next 12 week plan. Would it be better to repeat 1-3 then?

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I also just noticed that there is only one strength per week in the ToS prep plan. I’m inclined to add another strength session on Mondays. I wonder if one of the coaches can comment on this.

Regarding the progression from 1-3 to 4-6, I’ve found that there’s a big jump, so instead of going straight from 1-3 to 4-6, I do a smaller increment by adding one or two to the scheduled 1-3 session, and create either a 2-4 or 3-5 strength progression in the plan.

I asked about options for a more gradual increase in this thread: Strength training plan progressions. Sounds like it’s in the works.


my guess is they are conscious of overloading people given the current global situation


I’m gonna add in a second easier STR session or a neuro session if there isn’t one scheduled like standing starts or violator

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