TOS Stage 3 - OPEN! - Official Thread

Feeling a little addled after today’s stage - buoyed by breakfast pancakes though :slight_smile:


And done… One of the workouts that doesn’t show up very often in my trainingplans. It’s been a while since I got punched so many times, but what a great workout this is! Promised myself to revisit it more often. But holy cow the legs are fried now. Very afraid for G.O.A.T tomorrow.


I forget how much I love and hate this workout that shall not be named. Kicked my tail the first time I did it, but I’ve overcome my fear and even put it in as #5 of my KOS.

I’m done with both rounds! Modern then Vintage, back-to-back.

Had some weird trainer issues. On the first attack in most (but not all) of the sets, the first AC attack either started late, held on to my pedals for an extra 5 seconds, or both. In both videos. But not always the same attacks. And then in the last set of the last vid, there’s a short MAP attack and then a longer attack… the first attack delayed and then held on, but the second and longer attack came right on time, so it was almost one big loonnngg attack. Omg!! :cold_sweat::rofl:


Thanks, GvA. Now I have that Misery song playing an endless loop in my head.

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Feel good now, but in the cave, it was truly touch and go. A lot of blur in trying to recall this stage. Last round had the most attacks, I think. Whose bright idea was that?!?! Last two rounds were all mental - my legs are ok but tired during the workout - hard to get it going, cadence suffering.

But as the vid tells us “Whatever. You can get someone to hug you later . . . more flogging. . . You asked for this”

See? I can’t even remember the full quote!

No hug but my daughter saw my Strava and said, “wow that’s a lot of calories dude. No wonder it’s called Sufferfest “. Best text received all week.


I LOVE the song at the end of Fight Club.

“The hurt is supposed to hurt
It’s okay if I fall apart…”

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Relatively new to Sufferfest and first time doing Fight Club. The sound track is awesome! It kept me going for sure!


Any other southern Ontario Sufferlandrians forced to do extra Stage 3 Tour prep of shovelling 25+cm of snow and then Fight Club​:snowflake::snowflake::snowflake:


Smashed and stage 3 completed at 100%.
I’m just waiting when I’ll blow up, the last 30" yesterday and today I was close to do it, but I managed to carry on, it has been a big fight.

Tomorrow another day and one more stage.
To be precise two more stages :grin: :crazy_face:


Stupidly started out early this morning without mental clarity…and forgot to have liquid nearby…I will report to the next open flogging station…



First time ever doing FC. That was totally…


…oh yeah. Right.

:zipper_mouth_face: :zipper_mouth_face: :zipper_mouth_face:

[I will say this, though. I took an objective look at my progress before signing up for ToS, and begrudgingly went with survival mode. Kudos to the Minions who developed the metrics for the different options because they were spot on. Pretty much emptied the tank on each stage, but the 90% FTP has really salvaged day-to-day recovery, so I’ve not blown up so far - though Cobbler was close!

And big shout out to you nukes out there. That would be cruel and unusual, I’m thinking. Maybe someday.]


I have plenty of holy water left from this morning. I can ship you some for tomorrow so you’ll have extra.
:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grin: :sweat_smile:

Phew, managed to sneak into the garden for the fighting, away from the oven in the kitchen, to lower my heart rate and get this done between rain clouds at lunchtime. SOOO much easier out there apparently.
Managed to keep it at 90% intensity, but zero attacks left in the fifth fight, but I’m a climber :mountain:! Anything in the yellow just knocks me right out already. Which bodes very well for Half is Easy, hmm. Maybe I’ll just do the easy half eh?

Fight club spoiler alert

Turns out I was fighting myself the whole time!


Three stages down and still feeling ok, also classed as sprinter by SF, so suited me, let’s see what tomorrow brings. PS I cleaned my turbo bike/trainer for the event, mad or what?


Thanks - I’ll pay the shipping…836 Pagne Ave, Agonio.

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Literally knock the morning snot out of me. Even in the “Get Me Through it” plan, those attacks, esp. from low to high cadence push me to zone 4. Stare at Stem, Swear Softly.


Did stage 2 late last night, passed out right after without eating, skipped breakfast, since i overslept. You all know where this is going…winter bike commuted to home, feeling very fatigued. Ate, waited for 30min for the energy level to go up and then started stage 3. First round killed me, no energy no energy no energy, dial down to 90% no no no 85% no 80% no 75% no arghhh hr wont go up ->level mode… Had to pause and went back to kitchen to grab something quick, drank double mixture of sports drink and then back on saddle. Continued with 75% until round 3 and from there could up the intensity and finished with the right kind of suffering.

Note to self, DO NOT skip meals.


Fight Club first time. Great learning experience.Found myself looking forward to those low cadence road race sections. I found the 5th the hardest as driven to finish the last one. Mantra was yelling “RELAX MAN!!”.
Impressed by the TT speed & discipline on wet roads and descending into the misty valley I was definitely leaning to my right no way wanted to run off the road. off to the showers and nutrition.


Cleaner to Flogging Station Number 3, cleaner to Flogging Station Number 3 please - large spillage of Holy Water!

Oh boy, did the sprints in that last block sting.



Got the Focused Option right, one should think, being software developer and all that, I could set the ERGmode to communicate the proper settings with my powermeter. Fixed it finally…

O, love the footage of Yorkshire, vd Breggen, van Vleuten and Chloe Dygert. Felt like collapsing like Dygert.

Next !!!