Day 3 of My nuclear pursuit. I made it about half way before I cracked harder than ever. “The video that shall not be named” normally is difficult, but manageable for me, but the fatigue of the tour is hitting me harder than normal. I had to drop AC and MAP to 85%, and then FTP to 90%. I’ll be back again tomorrow after a long date with the PowerDot and yoga this evening!
OK I don’t want to jinx myself for the 4 stages remaining, but Fight Club felt kinda easy for me today at Focused level. Definitely the easiest of the stages so far for me.
First aquintance with the session in stage 3. Was nice spinning the legs at some higher cadence again. Almost felt too easy the first two/three sets. But going nuclear and having lost 10h recovery as stage 1 was delayed I certainly could feel in the last two. Still, kinda feels like this was the closest I will come to recovery during ToS
Done. After starting, but not finishing, the first two stages at nuclear I decided the time was probably right to start at focused today. When the hamstrings started cramping up whilst sat working at dining room table this afternoon, it confirmed my decision! So FTP at 88%, others stayed at 100%.
I nearly made it through on targets, didn’t feel too bad until efforts from first 2 days hit me a minute into the last effort. Had to pause, drop AC and MAP down. And FTP further down for good measure. Even then the final few attacks were torture. Heart is now saying I should’ve stuck to targets but legs are strongly disagreeing!
A stage at nuclear is out of the window. Next goal is to complete at least one at focused. Whatever happens, I’m finishing this damn thing… then cracking open some well deserved beer!
We were sat down as a family carb loading this evening (pancakes) and my wife asks me and our daughter how was our suffering today. Daughter (12, never seen film) replies “we don’t talk about fight club!”.
Well what a pleasant surprise. That wasnt what i was expecting - it seems Fight Club has had an up/downgrade. And GvA made it easier.
Cheers, think I’ll have a beer now i nailed it!
That feeling when your legs feel like hot concrete blocks after Stage 3 and you realize the electro stimulation recovery device’s battery is completely flat
What a difference a day makes - after having to dial back Nine Hammers today Fight Club went like a dream (albeit a bad, nightmarish dream). Actually found this very manageable today - maybe it was doing later in the day, better sleep. Who knows but that felt good today. First stage that has and normally struggle on FC.
Some nasty ones coming - maybe it’s just that I am older but this years stages seem particularly brutal and perhaps hardest in the last 4 years.