ToS Stage 4 - OPEN! Official Thread

Well that was twice as hard as GOAT has ever felt… clinging on to every block, even the warmups, and I love low cadence


Good to know. Just starting GOAT now. :grimacing:


Mixed emotions about hitting this combo tomorrow.

My recent 4DP said I’m a… Time Triallist. So GOAT is right up my street, especially as I do love a low cadence grind. However, Half is Easy first? Oh dear. Did I mention my weakness is AC repeated efforts? This is not good.


I just finished G.O.A.T and I feel totally energized.
I will probably regret that statement in a few hours.


Ouch…that is all…


I was excited to get in early on Stage 1. But now I’m on the back end of the rest of the stages. And even tho I finished Stage 3 just 4 hours ago, while reading all your posts I’m itching to back in the saddle for this stage. If I didn’t have work to do and tired legs, I certainly would! Only 18 more hours. Only 18 more hours. Only 18 more hours…

Completed, taking a rest day tomorrow so Defender and Attacker fall on a Saturday not a workday.

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GOAT IS EASY! Such a fun stage.


Ideally back to back


Another combo from hell…I thought.

I was SO tired today. Even partial to a little nap beforehand.

Half is Easy was in a pure survival mode. The numbers expected of me instilled a pure sense of fear. I swear the recovery intervals are more like 5s and the “other half” is more like 30. Relentless, never ending. Chewed the stem and just hoped for the ERG to release the deadly grip in time before I crack. Don’t make the same mistake and don’t count the intervals. There are always way too many remaining.

G.O.A.T. on the other hand - LOVED IT. One of my all time favs. As basically anything with @michael.cotty in it!
The scenery, the vistas, the music. Somehow it just doesn’t matter what the numbers say, what’s expected of me. I’ll do it. I just set the rhythm and enjoy everything, thinking I’m there. Oh how I wish I was there!
We all need more Swiss :mountain_snow:, more Cotty :biking_man:, more Ribbons of Tarmac (:tm:) and more waterfalls in our lives.

I think I shed a tear during the last descent. Get me there!

Stage 4 :heavy_check_mark:


When i saw the route for this year this was the day i feared and boy was it tough. Half is easy was ok as i was of the slightly reduced numbers so coped relatively well. I started GOAT full of confidence but then hit the first warm up at 75 rpm and went oh sh*t i am in for a world of pain.

I usually love GOAT, today it felt like one of the hardest workouts i’ve ever done. Its so strange how the workouts affect us all differently!

All i can say is i did it and that was down to the mental training vids. You are a god, your legs are like superman :rofl:, boy it was close though.

Thank you Sufferfest!


Half is Easy is not one of my favorites… however GOAT is my favorites!!!

Remember… be the stillness


There was no stillness today Sir John :rofl:



I was utterly dreading Stage 4 this morning after the hell of Stage 3 yesterday morning. But actually, it was surprisingly ok. I think Stage 3 was so awful because I rode it 8 hours after stage 2 (not recommended) and so a full 24 hour recovery felt SOOOOOOOO much better. Plus I really like GOAT. HALF IS easy tho…yeah not so much. However, it’s done now, whew!


First time riding GOAT with the climb on the Kickr bike and it makes, for me anyway, the lower cadences ‘easier’.


Can’t decide whether to ride HIE on ERG or level mode. Smart trainer is new, only had it a couple of weeks and only done ERG so far. Seems like it takes 3-4 secs to adjust to big changes in power targets. Any tips? ERG or level?

Perhaps start in ERG and switch to level if needed?

Excellent suggestion, with the added bonus it might give me a legitimate excuse to briefly pause the workout :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
