Have some events coming up quite frequently in the coming month and a half, and was a bit uncertain whether I have made a sensible plan or not, and was looking for some potential input.
In short; race 21st of May (hilly 148 km), training camp 26th-28th of May (hilly 500-700 km depending on wheather), race 4th of June (relatively flat 145 km), leading up to my main event 30th of June (mountainous 430 km). I have included my current plan up to the 4th of June in the below images, some extra volume in the form of Z1/low Z2 commutes may come in addition.
Not sure how to fill the last approx 4 weeks up to the 30th. Likely approach would be a relatively easy week after the 4th, then one and a half week with some more volume and some intensity, and a longer taper into the 30th. Considering signing up for masters TT nationals 25th of June (11 km only), but uncertain if that may affect the performance on the 30th. Thinking not, due to the short distance.
The main purpose of the first two races is primarily to practice energy intake in a race situation, as the length of the main event put huge demands on energy intake. By experience this is something I have not been good at and want to improve. However, it would be great to potentially see some results also in the first two, but the last one is the main priority 
Too much? Too little? Or is total re-arrangement required?
Hello @Magnito
A lot of moving parts but your schedule into your main event looks pretty good! I would hope you’ve been, and are planning to get in more climbing workouts leading into your main event. Based on your schedule, I suggest skipping the 11 km TT on the 25th and I would look to have the 24th as another easy spin day, leading into the training camp which looks be an overload.
Lots of races and a physically and mentally demanding main event. Use your alert feature on your head unit to remind you when to eat and drink. After the 4th, I would be taking a recovery week to allow your body to recover, get stronger and allow for complete training adaptations to take place.
In your case, the best thing would be for you to schedule a call with a coach going into June- One-on-One Call With a Wahoo Coach | Wahoo Fitness
Best wishes for your main event!
Thanks for the reply @Coach.Simon.B!
Yes, intend to get in some more climbing, actually the training camp will be in the area of the middle section of the main event (at the start of the second mountain, ref. course profile below), thus I can get both climbing workouts and recon done at the same time. Great timing on the new episode of the Knowledge podcast on climbing by the way, looking forward to hear it 
As for the 11 km TT, it is not a day prior to the camp, but 6 days prior to the main event, which I believe may give sufficient recovery from such a relatively short effort.
I haven’t used the custom alert feature yet, but thanks for reminding me, that is a great tip which I will definitely use in all of the races.
Funny you mention it, as I have been considering purchasing a call with a coach related to this actually, so might just take you up on that in a couple of weeks