I’ve completed the Mountain Fondo training plan yesterday (Sunday).
My actual goal is the Tour of Flanders in two weeks on Saturday, which means I have two weeks ahead of me in which I want to keep good form but don’t want to add too much fatigue to my body.
I’m planning one last big ride next Sunday.
Any suggestion for a list of workouts I can use to fill in the next two weeks?
For next week I was thinking of copying the workouts from a recovery week I had during the plan I just finished.
But what about this week?
For this week, you could use the workouts from one of the weeks before a recovery week.
You could also load up a new plan with an end date on the date of your event. It will shorten the plan and give you the last two weeks of workouts, so the first week (this week) should be harder workouts, followed by a recovery week.
Ok, didn’t know you could do that.
I’ll try that one!
+1 for this. The last two weeks should give you the right balance of intensity and recovery.
Hey @WoBael ,
The advice given by @way9e0 and @Dafydd is spot on. Just be sure to manage your fatigue/recovery and have a great Tour of Flanders!
Ok, one more question.
Here’s my cycling plan for last week and this week.
However, because I wanted to do a last big ride on Saturday, I did 5h30 and 1800m of climbing instead of the easy 1h30 that was on the plan.
What do I do for this week? Skip some sessions? Which ones do I do, which ones do I skip?
Mon Cadence Builds and Holds DONE
Wed French Pyrenees: Les Baronnies DONE
Thu Colombia Connection DONE
Fri Sub-Treshold Alternating Cadence 8 x 3 DONE
Sat Endurance+ (1h30 but I did 5h30) DONE
Mon Cadence Builds (0:35:45)
Tue Tapers (0:46:50)
Wed Tempo High Cadence (01:00:00)
Thu Recharger (0:30:33)
Fri Openers (0:45:00)
Sat Tour of Flanders 242 km
If this was me, I’d be building in at least one rest day this week.
This is very much ‘each to their own’ though I guess. My experience is based around following the one week prep plan before events which would have a rest day built in two days before the event.
I’d swap Recharger on to Wednesday and delete the Tempo High Cadence.
(At a purely personal level to enable even more recovery I’d probably cut Tapers a bit short as well)
More recovery is now worth more than anything at this stage.
Well done on following a plan all the way !
And enjoy the weekend.
So, I did it as following:
Mon Cadence Builds
Tue Rest Day
Wed Tapers
Thu Recharer
Fri Openers
I have to say that after Openers on Friday my legs felt quite heavy, so I was a little bit afraid, that I’d done too much, but the legs were really good on Saturday.
Crossed the finish after 243 km in the rain and cold without being completely wasted.
I had my doubts during the training plan because there were so few long training rides in it, but it worked out just fine.
Wahoo! Congrats @WoBael !!! Nice work