Wahoo ELEMNT Bolt v2 Rerouting Issue

I loaded up my ~53km route today and I had an idea where I was going. I deviated from the original route (took a different road, which ultimately merged into the road from the planned route) from the very beginning but shortly after that got back to the planned route. Wahoo kept rerouting me as usual, but previously when this happened the moment I returned back to the planned route, everything was fine. Not this time. For the whole 2 hours ride Wahoo kept rerouting me back to the point of deviation from the original route and it could not figure out that I was on the same planned route. I don’t expect re-routing to be working flawlessly, but not being able to properly identify when I am back on track is a huge bug in my opinion. Has anyone else experienced this?

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Same issue here,
you go off the (in my case imported route from Komoot), the elemnt keeps telling me to turn around to that exact point. In other cases it didnt “ceck” part of the route I went trough so it told me to turn around… extremely annoying, so far I dont use the bolt to navigate anymore… sucks

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Had similar experiences during my last two rides this week. Both were loops with the first and last 30 km of the ride basically using the same streets.
On the first ride I had the same issue as described by the two users. Small deviation from route and then endless rerouting to the point of deviation, although I was long back on the correct track.
Second incident was even more annoying. I had some unplanned deviations due to roadwork in the city. Element rerouted and I was still following the black arrows. Later I realized that Element had reversed the route of the loop. I followed my initial plan (less aggressive 1300 m climb). Element rerouted and rerouted and was totally useless (except tracking the tour). Was no fun and took me probably an extra hour to find my way by checking on my phone again and again.

My experience is that auto rerouting doesn’t work very well so I turned it off. If I have to deviate from the route I tend to just zoom the map out a bit and manually navigate a path that will rejoin the route later on. Once I get back on the track my V1 Roam picks up the route with no problem and all is well.

Not ideal but it works for me.