Wahoo trainer wrong power reading

Hello guys i have wahoo smart trainer v6 lastest and i usually train on zwift so currently i am feeling that my power is not correct i am using the inbuilt power meter in my smart trainer. right now i don’t have any other power meter so double check it my outdoor power meter has been not working since month’s. And i have calibrated the trainer but still i think my power number are incorrect. Now i am telling this because i know my number for example i can sustain 300 or plus watts for hour but on indoor since i have purchased trainer an traning on that i can’t even hold 200,250 watts for long and i feel like i am doing more than 300 watts. And my friend always tell me that why you number is showing so less in zwift because
We use to train together and we can produce almost same power. he has shifted to far form me so i can’t doub check my powr number on his trainer.

So any idea what is happening?.

Please guys help me if anyone knows or have an idea what is happening it would helped me alot

@Nick7 Contact support - they should be able to diagnose the issue.

You mean to email wahoo support ?

I have contacted but no reply please if anyone can help or give any suggestions

Guy’s anyone?

It sometimes takes a day or two for Wahoo to respond. My experience has been that once it is your turn, Wahoo support is responsive and helpful. Good luck.

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