Welcome to Wahoo Wednesday, our weekly feedback thread.
Please note: this will be the last feedback thread of 2021. We’ll pick things back up again in 2022.
Reply with a comment below to discuss Wahoo SYSTM. The more voices, the better our decision-making and prioritisation can be, so bonus points to those who send feedback & tag a friend in the forums to do the same .
How have we been doing so far?
How can we make it better?
What you want more/less of?
Anything else on your mind
I can’t say we’ll deliver everything you’re asking for within the timelines you hope for, but everything that’s valuable-viable-feasible-useable will be considered.
If you have a customer support issue, please don’t post here. Make sure to start a ticket with the Minions here .
The Rules :
Post your constructive feedback and/or criticism and/or discuss the comments posted by others in the thread
Maybe already asked and answered, but can you guys push out estimates on WHEN features will be added (or returned)? It’d be nice to hear something other than “we’re planning on it”.
We’re all adapting to the new SYSTM, but I’m still looking for features from SUFF that we lost, like power records and ride comparisons. If nothing else, those were good for morale, and for those of us not using Strava, Powerroad, etc., etc., were important for tracking improvement over time.
Could you please include a roadmap of already planned features in your weekly “Share your feedback” thread?
This might help to see if a desired feature is already planned and thus reduce “superfluous” requests that make the discussion here confusing in the long run.
Couldn’t agree more with the two posts above - give us a clue about what is coming in a single thread. I’ve spotted comments from Wahoo staff buried in other threads that things are being worked on. Even if it’s a numbered list of what is at the top of the pile and the current priorities.
For instance, my massive annoyance with Systm (which prompted me to change from annual to monthly billing as I have doubts about Wahoo’s ability to deliver - though that rewards Wahoo as I’m paying more!) are features which were in the SUF app and didn’t make it in for release. Telling us new new stuff is coming is fine but I think it’s poor decision making not to have function parity with the old app at release.
Activity sort orders (By length, TSS etc) aren’t the same across the app - that should be a trivial fix for a developer these days. Likewise putting a last ridden date against an workout - couple of lines of SQL (or whatever the backend DBs are) and display the result in the relevant “control”.
Agree with the other posts, most of the things that I want have already been mentioned in the other “wednesday posts”, but if you look back to, I think it was the first one, I asked for a road map, we have the original launch post promising the return of features, new features promised to dcrainmaker in his release article, post scattered about the forum promising outside workouts, push to devices, custom workouts, data analytics +more, if you are willing to promise these things individually … then promise them together, I appreciate that software development isn’t easy (as a software developer) and estimating timelines is dangerous, and you can never forsee things like the streaming issue which takes time and effort to address, but some sort of roadmap (intended features) with when you intend to release the next feature would be far better than all these “we are working on it” promises
Also some idea your release cycle (2 week sprints) would be nice, so that I don’t have to look at my phone update history to see if a release has been done
As someone who only uses the app offline on a phone, it would be really nice to be able to filter by downloaded videos soon as the storage usage is getting silly now:
As the others have already mentioned some form of (bullet point) release notes on the forums would be nice and minimal effort. Its hard to gauge progress on promised features or build trust that issues are being addressed if ‘Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements’ is all the description we’re given…
Even easier to do if the info already exists on the support site; a stickied forum post linking to each platform’s release notes would be enough to help people find it!
Although I still think it would be good to call out directly in a forum post; it is a fairly established practice for training apps & games.
For instance I’ve been bitten by the offline workouts not playing issue before and I’d have updated the app sooner if I’d known there was a potential fix in the latest release!
You’ve been doing great, thank you. I find the continuous feedback and actually listening to your audience really encouraging.
Small feature that I’d like to see: one or two alternative workouts for a scheduled workout. I’ve now done this manually, especially for tempo or recovery sessions as there’s so many inspiration videos to chose from and my plans seem to stick to a select few. For other workouts this could be nice too: so we can do a workout that’s new to us, or haven’t done in a while whilst still sticking to the intended training.
What I want more of? On-location rides. I just love the ‘ride with a friend’ feel of it and the scenery is stunning. The little nuggets of information are great. It has stopped me from trying Rouvy. (I may still try that, as it is a different workout altogether, but now I’m afraid that it’s going to be boring without Mike there) #andafterthesheepwehavethecows
Anything else? Yes, hear me out: There are a handful of non-vid workouts. How about we you organise a competition of some sort for users to send in their video adaptation for a workout with the winner get’s the honour of having their video implemented in that workout? There’s got to be a handful of creative souls with on-board footage of their own rides, or other creative ideas to fill in these workouts?
This is the last one for the year? Happy holidays and see you on the other side!
Oh man, never thought of this. This would be awesome. Kind of like the recommended workouts you get after a FF, but every day. I would REALLY like this.
Really enjoying SYSTM. One comment and area that I believe could use improvement are some of the strength training workouts. On some of these sessions the time between introducing the exercise and then switching to the next exercise is excessively short. For me at least, I barely have time to do one or maybe two reps before the next exercise.
One could certainly pause the vid and complete the reps, but in my case the way I have everything setup, pausing the vid is a bit inconvenient and I would not want to interrupt my rhythm. Perhaps adding 5 minutes to the short sessions with additional time added for each exercise.
Apple TV connectivity. I would love to see that happen at some point. I use my laptop with a tv connected via HDMI to use as a secondary monitor, wireless keyboard and mouse on pedestal. I want to move away from the laptop (work reasons) and onto iPad, but the video content will undoubtedly suffer in quality; the bad suffer, not the good suffer. Having the app or at very least airplay option would be a seemingly obvious solution. DC Rainmaker review captures the sentiment perfectly. That is really my only gripe. I have enjoyed the sufferfest for the last 3 years now and feel like the transition to Systm has only improved the overall platform that sufferfest began to build when adding strength, yoga, and expanding running.
SYSTEM newbie here…
It’s winter here but I still dream about riding outside. I would like to be able to ride the training plan outdoor. It would be great if I could load my training plan to a cycle GPS and do it outside.
Hi. I’d love to see a plan for a 2-3 hour road race. There are plans for crits, or grand fondos, but these are different demands than a road race.