Wahoo Wednesdays | Share your feedback with the SYSTM team | December 7th 2021

I’m referring the direction we’re taking at the moment and what I can personally control and influence from others in the team. We’ve been excited about seeing these features ourselves, but features are only ready when they’re ready - not when we/I hoped they would be.

We share this (and other) pet peeve(s) I’m sure. At the moment it’s not necessarily the complexity / difficulty, but the priority (this particular one being rated lower than other issues in the backlog).

Wild! :smiley:

No worries - if it’s important to YOU we want to hear about it (even if someone else has mentioned it elsewhere, two voices lend validity).

Ah, interesting! I’ll bring this up with the design team and let them explore it. There might be good reasons why we don’t do this, but there also might be great ways to implement this so that it just works for everyone.

Get your fill late February and March with the 10th edition of the Tour of Sufferlandria!