Wahoo X Annual Subscription price increase?

Log in to the Wahoo website and apply the promo code you received in your purchase email.

Apparently, I have to wait until the current subscription ends before entering new information. The above page example does not come after logging in.

I can’t disagree with your experience but that was definitely not my experience. Did you get a message telling you that?

I bought the yearly sub, got the email with a promo code, logged in to the website, navigated to “My Account” and got the screen shown. Applied the code and now my renewal date has advanced by 1 year, as expected.

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I did as @titanicus said and no problem. Extended until Nov.19th 2023.

Regarding the price increase, it is true that customer side is almost never welcome. But I understand that prices would be lower at the beginning to catch our atention and they would increase to where they need to be in order to be profitable. That is how things work in almost all businesses.

Myself, I have tried Zwift and TrainerRoad and I find SYSTM much more attrarctive to me. Why? I personally need to consume content during the workout or I will struggle to not get bored and eventually quit (if I compare with TR). Then, SYSTM has also a great plan builder compared to Zwift and I’d say with no much to envy TR apart from the adaptative training.
So, training wise, SYSTM fits me better and it is cheaper than TR or ZW.

If I talk about simulation (Zwift vs RGT) the only thing that has me wondering going back to Zwift is that in my time zone it is difficult to find big socials. But, as I use RGT basically for NonVid workouts and to replace sunday’s rides when weather doesn’t allow riding outdoors (oh MagicRoads!!).

Said that and in my current environment Wahoo X is all I need and, in my case,it is worth my 129€/year and even 149€/year but, of course, I would take all the chances to pay as lower as possible for my pockets sake :smiley:


Yes. I had the monthly fee, was a premium subscriber so I already had the membership. I cancelled the monthly as required the Apple, but it is valid until the next scheduled automatic payment. I have the code sent to me through the email. When I navigate to my account no such screen appears. I’ll try to talk with a rep to confirm that I have to wait or it could be fixed through the company.

Don’t you get the “Add a promo code” in the Manage Suscription webpage in Systm Web App?
If so, just click “Add” and enter the code there.

If you are not getting that option, I’d contact the minions.

What screen do you get?

This is what comes up: Your subscription is active. Your next payment will be on Dec 8, 2022.And as I have written, I cancelled as instructed. I’m waiting to call.

Forgot to add this instruction from Wahoo: 2. After your subscription ends, return here to select a monthly or yearly plan. Mine ends on Dec. 8.

I still cannot see the wood from the trees. My subscription is due for renewal Mar2023. If I take up the offer to lock in the price now, would this take me to Nov 2023 or Mar 2024?

Mar 2024.

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I logged to my account in the Wahoo website and today I had the option to add the promo code just as another user showed. It wasn’t there yesterday after canceling my monthly subscription through the app store so I guess it takes a day for the changes to take effect.

At the end of the page you can check your account activity. Mine looks like this after adding the promo code:

Nov 10, 2022 Subscription will be cancelled at 2023-11-24 03:08:38
Nov 10, 2022 Promotion redeemed Magento - 1 Year
Nov 9, 2022 Subscription will be cancelled at 2022-11-24 03:08:38
Nov 23, 2021 Started subscription MONTHLY2020
Nov 9, 2021 Trial started


I will give It a go in the near future

Regards Tim

I’m struggling with what to do here. I generally like the platform but my last few rides on RGT have been a very poor experience. There is a full 35 second delay from what I am doing and what is showing on the screen. So nothing on screen is real. Cadence, speed, w/kg, relationship to the bots, nothing is actually what you are doing. If I wanted to sprint the last 30 seconds of the ride the effort would never appear because I would finish before the effort registered.

I would likely renew if both platforms worked, but right now for me, RGT is of little value. Yes I have reached out to support.

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Hey guys – Sorry – I made a mistake and had 1 Jan as the day I thought it was going to increase but in fact it’s 15 Nov. I’ve edited my post to reflect that.

Hey folks. Just an FYI, my subscription renewed in OCT, but I have just received an email on Nov 12 saying that my renewal is coming up in OCT 16 (yes, you read it correctly) and to lock in my rate I need to renew before Nov 15.

I upgraded to annual on 4th Nov (payment for $129 was taken on 9th Nov). Got this on an e-mail from Wahoo on 11th Nov:

Your renewal is coming up on Nov 9, and will be renewing at the new $149 USD rate for 2023.

FFS Wahoo, amateur hour :man_facepalming:

As a former marketing strategy person for a major corporation I think you should do a test market of multi year subscriptions. Two years, five years and maybe tie ins with equipment purchases. I have a Garmin TACX Smartbike but for the right incentives I might consider switching to an all Wahoo top of the line rig if the features and price justified it. When I bought the TACX smartbike everyone thought I was nuts but I think it was a great investment, so much better than locking my road frame into the Neo.


I was thinking the same thing. Right now they have the kickr v1 bike at $1999 on sale from $3799. I would have done a smaller or no discount and bundled some other stuff. Do the bike, Headwind fan and include a five year subscription instead of the discount and I think you would find some takers.


What about the current offer? 149$ 15 months. Cheaper than the 129$ for 12 months! ,:man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2:

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