*Yoga* current (unofficial) challenge, and future ones

So @DameJo - how’s the current unofficial challenge going? I’m still limping along beside you all, but taking some days off to focus on specific neck / shoulder issues.
I assume the next formal challenge will be Autumn earliest. Unless we maybe get a brand new one over the Summer ?? @David.McQuillen.KoS

Oh - will we be inviting Abi onboard … can’t see Abi in the users to tag :frowning:

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Going good at the moment @Martin! but am also having some shoulder issues caused by the 25 push-up challenge… so am blaming Sir Lee Sutton… but halfway through… CSII on the agenda today…

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Excellent - I think I’m going to have to abandon all pushups, never mind 25/day ! Don’t give yourself something chronic !!

CSII - get in there … walking the plank … :slight_smile:

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:ok_hand: I just tried to add a gif and failed - certainly not easy as the forum itself has its fonts and emoji’s built in I think.
We can maybe add gif’s as pictures but not sure to be honest (re gif conv on FB) @DameJo

please scxcuse the interuption! trying to include a giff and not a link to a page.


Awesome gif work !! So is that saved from your own machine rather than direct from internet?

This is something I have failed to do before actually so I had to google it - https://forums.oneplus.com/threads/how-do-i-post-a-gif-in-a-comment.33164/

the forum message i typed was the image address rather than http of the webpage hosting it looks like this as text …https://media1.tenor.com/images/6adfa395b3f36963609d657954b50afb/tenor.gif?itemid=12794066

there’ll be no stopping us now!!

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There won’t be an official yoga challenge for a while now. We won’t see one over the summer, though, you are all doing such a great job with the ‘unofficial’ challenges :smiley:


Might create an app that does badges for recording SUF workouts …
There’s an idea …