Suggestion: a yoga session for days when you aren’t up to suffering.
Background: I got my C-19 booster yesterday; it’s hitting me pretty hard today. Still, I’d like to do something before using my Couchlandrian visa for the day. 15 minutes of light stretching, breathing exercises, and meditation would do the trick. Yes, there are sessions for each of these interests, but a single “gentle recovery” session would be most welcome.
Along that same line, Bedtime Yoga would be a nice addition. I usually use Recovery Booster or Shake Off the Day, but I would love something slower, focused entirely on restorative/relaxation poses. Sometimes I want to pause the video and stay in child’s pose for a long while. I’m wondering if these might be the same. Sleep is so critical for recovery from whatever you’re recovering from - whether training, life stress or not feeling well. And when you’re too wired to sleep, relaxation is the next best thing.
@mhr518 Try Guided Meditation II in the yoga section or Relaxing to Recover in the MTP section. Those are actually good at any time to improve focus. The 3 minute breathing videos in the yoga section are also helpful.