I know that all those that missed the 2018 Tour of Sufferlandria have spent hundreds of sleepless nights lamenting this failure. Fret no more, the 2018 Tour of Sufferlandria Revival is on the calendar. Beginning October 7, 2023, the full 9 stage event will be held, with all the same rules.
Here is the line-up:
Who’s in?
Good gracious. The Shovel AND another workout? I can barely get through The Shovel as it is.
When is the National Day of Suffering, again? I mean other than every day of this…
I hear you but for me, Power Station is one of my favorites. If I had to do something after The Shovel that was a real workout, I would be hard pressed to find something I would swap out Power Station for.
For me, Stage 8 is the most concerning. Thin Air after anything is tough, as evidenced by ISLTA yesterday.
I put Kitchen Sink in my calendar on October 29 for the National Day of Suffering. That will be tough enough with a proper taper before it, rather than on the ninth day of such suffering!
On the ninth day of suffering GvA he gave to me…
Kitchen Sink and a shredded chamois….
The good ol’ days of the ToS being the hardest thing in the winter to train for and complete!
@Critmark can you make all all the rides in blue? When I save the plan, those in black disappeared because I’m using a dark theme on my 'Droid.
I’ll also have to look at which rides I missed in the original.
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Sent it to you in DM. Thanks,
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Thanks. I did all the rides in 2018 and it’s on the ramp up for my A event. I may do some of the rides I abandoned due to work issues.
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The countdown has begun. One week to ToS 2018! Are you ready?
getting ready for the Annual A Event and training for it.
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Stage 1 is fini! Tough double for me. Did both right at 100% save a few minutes at the end where I went a bit over. Right at IF and +1 TSS for the day.
Didn’t post an update yesterday but Stage 2 was done, and Stage 3 complete tonight. Unlike the past tours, I am barely above IF & TSS, like .01 & 3 respectively. Tomorrow is another day though.
Stage 4 did The TRICK. Got a bit ahead today. Not through 4 stages IF is +.07 and TSS is +9. Tomorrow I do the ride, following the first rule, we don’t talk about.
I did Stage 5 but can’t really talk about it. I can say I did the five rounds at 105%, 104%, 103%, 102% and 101%. Through 6 stages: IF is +.11 and TSS is +14. Coach won’t tell me what’s on tap for tomorrow. He just said “Do As You’re Told”.
Stage 6 was completed, just as I was told. Through today: IF is +.20 and TSS is +24. Tomorrow I will do “The Chores”.
Stage 7 The CHORES was the hardest so far. At this point IF is +.25 and TSS +32. Two stages to go.
Stage 8, Butter is churned. There are two blocks of five efforts each. I did the five sticks in each at 105%, 104%, 103%, 102% and 101% respectively. Then Thin Air, which I did straight up at 100%. Going in to the last stage at IF +.28 and TSS +37.
Just Kitchen Sink to finish this off.
2018 Tour of SUFFERLANDRIA is complete. I tried to push a few spots where I thought I could because there are two spots in this ride where I usually have to dial back. The sprints from Violator and the 20 minute climb in the last hour.
When I hit the sprints I did dial it back to 95%. When I hit that 20 minute climb I thought I would see if I could hold it at 100% for the first five minutes. Well 5 became 8, and then 10, and at 15 minutes in I decided I was going to make it all he way through the climb at 100%. I made it. It hurt, but I made it.
So I ended up 9 in TSS and .02 in IF for The Kitchen Sink.
For the tour I am +46 in TSS and +.30 in IF. Now I am going to crash for a few days, or maybe a week.
I will get 2019 ToS posted in a few days.
I just looked at the stats for The Kitchen Sink ride last night. I managed just over 52 miles. Not great for some but ok for someone turning 68 next month, and easily my best for this ride. And considering it was at the end of a ToS, I am going to take that as a win.