February 2023 Challenge

The end of February already!
Who is ready for the Wahooligan Tour in March?

AAAaaaaaaannnnnnnnnd a monthly challenge celebrating women’s history:


So, was just wondering; doesn’t outside rides count towards completion of badges? Did the short KOM training session as an outside ride, and notice I did not get the Feb badge. Also, checked that it is not recorded as completed in AWW Phil G.

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Nope. Outdoor rides aren’t linked to SYSTM in that way (at least not yet :stuck_out_tongue: ). As I understand it, outdoor rides are just an option to get the “work” in but don’t count toward badges as the badges are for riding within SYSTM.

Now, in saying that, I imagine they’re gonna do something with Stage 7a of the Wahoolimabob Tour cuz for that, The Company is giving us the option to ride in RGT or SYSTM so either they’re working on a way to get the badges to accept things other than SYSTM only, or they’re gonna go in and manually edit it for folks that do the stage in RGT.


A bit strange that, really. Everything is seamlessly integrated, the workout comes up on the start screen of my BOLT and all I have to do is press select. Then after the ride, it is ticked off in my SYSTM Calendar, all green and dandy. But still, I guess you are right.

Suppose that leaves a February hole in my monthly badge collection. Oh well… Might have to compensate by more suffering to raise my FTP then. And MAP. But I’ll leave AC and NM for now.

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Yeh the request for outdoor rides had been out there since Grunter was a baby and, imho, they went above and beyond in that implementation even if there’s a a thing or two they could do to polish it even more.

I got a gap in November to keep your gap in February from getting too lonely.

In checking my badges though I see The Wahoolimabob Tour badge is coming up:

Yeah, I was longing for the push to head unit myself, and the implementation is fantastic now that it is finally here.

I too have noticed this Whoaawoolymabobthingamajig Tour, and just recently saw that excellent collection of leisurely clothing you are getting rid of in that regard. Would have bid for the bleeding eyes tee if it was a size smaller. Or two.

Wasn’t there a bleeding eyes top cap at some point too? I would simply loved to get my hands on one of those. Would match the wall in my suffering station.

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Just sent my black bleeding eyes top cap off to Belgium :belgium: They originally came with bar end plugs too and I’ve got the red set on my CX/Gravel bike :heart:. The black set of bar ends were attached to a bike that belongs to someone else now. :cry:

Oh if I was a size or 2 smaller, I wouldn’t be auctioning off my casual wear :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. A couple too many recon sessions in Couchlandria I s’pose.

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Such a top cap deserves to be in Belgium I suppose (although we have quite a few hard-men up here as well).

Will turn a blind bleeding eye to those recons in Couchlandria, as long as you always come back.

I’ve never really left. Besides, #youcanneverleave and the wahoominati are always watching #twaaw

Xoom Xoom!


Now now.