Half Monty, increased AC/NM estimates

After an abortive attempt yesterday (the laptop shut down just after the ramp finished! …all that wasted effort…), I made it through the test today. Calculated FTP was ~25 watts below my estimated outdoor FTP which seems like it’s in the normal range. I suspect with more experience indoor training I’ll close that gap.

That constrained HR section was psychologically tough!

MAP dropped by ~5 watts, but one of the more interesting results to me was that AC (+23) and NM (+154) shot up, even though Half Monty doesn’t really purport to measure them?

Curious if anyone has insight on that. Regardless, I look forward to slightly easier endurance efforts, apparently much tougher sprints, and in a few weeks the full monty.

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Sounds like a glitch. There are no sprints in HM or AC efforts even so, I think I would be emailing theminions@thesufferfest.com Unless you are looking at your passport and the profile is just showing your improved NM and AC from your last Full Frontal.

If you have not done FF before then your AC and NM values will be based on your Age, Gender, Weight, and FTP that you entered during onboarding. If you have not manually changed your AC and NM values then Half Monty will update those initial estimates. They are still just estimated at that point, the only real way (for now) to get accurate AC and NM values it to complete FF.


Yeah I get they are still estimates since they haven’t been tested, I’m just surprised that the HM would revise them upwards when the tested numbers (FTP/MAP) were adjusted downwards from the onboarding estimate.

We make the estimated off of onboarding more conservative as some people tend to overestimate their FTP. Once we have more reliable numbers to base your AC and NM values on.

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Interesting, that makes sense! I have been riding with power outdoors so had a pretty good sense of where my FTP was, so it sounds like it’s not surprising that those numbers were revised upwards.


I did not realize that Sir @Coach.Mac.C Good to know for future reference.

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I have also just done my first HM. I used the free trial period to follow the FF preparation and since doing my first FF in late November have been following the All-Purpose Road training plan.

Overall result is as one would expect for a first go at structured training - six weeks in FTP and MAP are each up 10%. Will be interesting to see how next week’s workouts will go with the new numbers.

One thing that did not change was lactate threshold. No really a worry, but I’d be curious to know if this is usual or whether this metric would be expected to move in line with changes in FTP and MAP. Any implications for further training?

My LTHR hasn’t changed by more than 2-3bpm in the 6 years I’ve been doing structured training :slight_smile:

My understanding is it usually changes in people new to training but then mostly plateaus and possibly drops longer term with age. Obviously then plateuing assumes you’re in a very similar state (Freshness, hydration etc etc) during each test.