Been a long time TrainerRoad user and giving this is a shot. What is great with TR is that you are able to select the days you want to bike. Is this possible with Systm? I want to bike on Monday , Wednesday and Saturday. How do I set this?
If you are using one of the pre-set training plans just go into your calendar, pick which workout you want to remove or re-schedule, click on the three lines over on the right at the top of the workout and delete or re-schedule. If you are creating your own, go to library, choose your workout click over on the right and add to calendar on the days you want
Yep. As Ozmadman said, there is no automated way to do it. First thing to do is find a plan that gets close to what you want when you make your choices in the plan selection wizard. Plans default to starting on a Mon and put harder/longer workouts on the weekends. Change the start day of the week to shift these. Then you can go in and manually reschedule, delete, add workouts as you see fit.
You can freely add/delete plans to your calendar to see what they look like. I usually do this starting a few months out so they don’t overlap what I’m doing. If you’re currently doing a plan and delete it, competed workouts don’t get deleted and stay on your calendar. You can add a plan that starts in the past, and the workouts that would have occurred in the past won’t be added to or appear on your calendar.