I was getting a bit lost in the New Training Selector yesterday. I need to train MAP and I’d like to train Strength too.
I don’t have any event I am training for, I simply train to Zwift race which is a weekly thing normally on a Tuesday.
Any suggestions on Plan?
I really miss the “e-racing plan” that incorporated a race each week. To be fair I miss the strength my lungs had back then too 
I saw bigger increases in MAP following a base block then after a MAP block.
Just add the MAP plan to your calendar and then manually add whatever strength workouts you want. I currently add two full body workouts a week to my cycle training and do the same one two or three times then move on to the next level (currently on Full body 10) once those are done I may concentrate on each individual area like core etc on the same basis. I also get a bit lost what to do next but as it is now “off” season I am doing my own plan as I go getting more Zone 2 efforts in to build up my aerobic fitness with some sustained efforts and maybe 1 HiiT a week. Short TT’s are main main goal but I still like to be better all round
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“The MAP plan”? Is there a “MAP plan” ? I cannot see it
Just go to plans…cycling … general fitness… building blocks and you will see the MAP plan there.