oooh shiny!!
I thought we’d left the Simpson’s references behind?
I’m not sure I’d be comfortable standing with that saddle, even with the protection of my chamois. Seems, um, exposed.
Comfortable? What is this strange feeling?
thanks, I can figure it out now.
I have deleted the tour and added it back, and there still no adjustments for the TBTITW on the Focused plan.
FWIW, I chose the focused plan, and while everyone’s mods are likely different (?) based on your rider profile, I can verify that The Model and TBTITW have no mods for my plan, though all the other stages do.
Glorious suffering ahoy.
(And welcome, btw!)
@CPT_A Same for me as well.
Me too. Also, FWIW:
3. The Focused Option
Choose this option if: You want to ride a good Tour, but don’t want it to compromise any goals you might have a little further down the road. You want a mix of all-out stages and reduced intensity stages. This plan will ensure that you nail the stages that matter most for your continued improvement.
I’ve actually implemented all 3 options and will decide which way to ride on the day
How does Fluffy feel after riding the TOS?
Dino sore.
Flogging station #3 is open … help yourself to some year old pain shakes and nails for hydration.
All signed up and I’ve added both Focused and Nuclear options however the reduction in intensity for Focused is really minimal!
My question is - on my calendar it still shows ‘Register Here’ ? Should it?
If you have already registered for the TOS on the DPF site then I would just ignore this event.
The DPF website and account doesn’t have a direct link to your SYSTM account, so SYSTM won’t know if you have registered and that link will never go away. So if you’ve already registered then just ignore it.
Or if you’re OCD like me, delete it…
Full. The last few years have provided a bounty of Couchlandrian delights. Once she had so many she even got to practice hurling over the border. I hope she doesn’t get that many this year. The smell of undigested donuts is not easy to deal with.