Outdoor rides in Systm training plans

Back in the Sufferfest days, for many training plans I could choose between indoor only and indoor + outdoor rides. This was great, because the latter would create a training plan with indoor sessions throughout the week, and 2 outdoor rides during the weekend.

However, I can’t seem to find this setting anymore in Systm. I’d like to start the Sufferfest Time Trial intermediate plan with indoor rides during the week, and 2 outdoor rides in the weekend.

Anyone any idea how to achieve this?

My understanding is that the setting is gone, but that the longer rides, often scheduled on weekends, are easily ridden outside. Many have instructions that say that, but even rides that don’t can be taken outdoors so long as they aren’t too complex.


Many of the weekend rides actually give suggestions on what to do. There is an effort to allow them to be pushed to the ELEMNT and maybe other devices as appropriate files. This will be a boon…

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There are outdoor rides on many training plans for all the weekend rides. But there are now also matching indoor No Vid alternatives. So you can choose. Genius.


I do all my weekend rides indoors. Saves on the cost of jackets and gloves in the winter and no stopping every couple miles for water refills or sunscreen in my eyes in the summer.


Thanks for all the suggestions. I will try an do the weekend rides outdoor even though it marks them as indoor rides.

I have a lot of respect for people who can do longer rides on an indoor trainer. Whenever a ride is longer than 1-1.5hr, for some reason I prefer to go into the freezing cold instead of sitting warm at home on my trainer.

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I try to think of the >1:30hr indoor rides as mental toughness training. I put on my best bibs, stock up on pop tarts and power beans, and try not to think about the sun. It helps that my pain cave has no windows.


Mental toughness? For me it’s more butt toughness. I need a full motion platform or something.

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That too. But (butt?) excellent chamois and standing up even when it doesn’t say so from time to time helps a lot.