Hi everyone, I’m new here. I’m a few weeks in and just started the TOS prep plan.
I’m wondering if there’s a recommended way to factor in outdoor rides into the plan? I figure subbing out plan components might be detrimental to its goals. But adding outdoor rides on top of the plan might lead to burnout.
Any thoughts welcome. Cheers.
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If the weather is good I will go ride outside … I just have to … also I am well aware of the beating I will take during the TOS. So if you go outside make your rides easy and enjoy the fresh air. Make no mistake the TOS is 7 solid days of EnterPainMent where GVA sits back and laughs. See you at the start line in front of the Nine Hammers Tavern.
Hi, I was wanting to know the same thing. Weather looks good (though cold) this weekend so was planning to get out instead of the scheduled “The Way Out”, but they won’t be the same sort of ride and it won’t get recognised as going towards the week’s training.
I also join in my local cycling club’s chaingang ride which is a tough 35 minutes on a Wednesday evening (being held virtually currently) and need to knock off anything too intense on a Wednesday or the following morning.
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I agree about the fresh air. We’re in a full lockdown here in the UK, so it seems silly (on nice days at least) to be cycling indoors when exercise is one of the few excuses we have for going outside!
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Yep I am in the same position. - just done Team Scream near the end of first week of TOS prep plan.
If you look at the plan there is at least one ‘easy/steady’ ride at 50-70% of FTP with an accompanying film - much as I’d like to watch the films, I am substituting outdoor rides for these sessions. I will take care to do all the structured, interval training on my kickr as scheduled.
This should work and retain the benefits of the 4DP adjusted structured sessions whilst retaining at least one outdoor ride a week.
That’s a great point. I think I’ll follow your lead, thanks.
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If I can go outside I go and then I just dumped that days plan in the calendar.