Scheduling problem with my twelve week plan

I have two weeks left in my 12 week training plan and the scheduling gods have not been good to me. My last week I will be calling in daily to find out if I have to report for jury duty. And on top of that, the last weekend, the one with the Full Frontal test, I have a two day, all-day walking tour.

If I’m lucky, I don’t have to actually go in for jury duty but the walking tour is definite. My plan is to move the last week of my training plan to the following week so I don’t have to do an hour long fitness test after eight hours walking up and down hills. Of course, if I’m not lucky, I might be in jury duty for longer but at least I’ll be past the weekend commitment. The question is, what do I fill the intervening empty week with so I don’t screw up my gains over the last eleven weeks? I just don’t know how much time I’ll have during the week and especially on the walking tour weekend. Would just doing zone 2 for as long as practical be enough to hold on to my gains?